Forming of the Logical Skills with the Help of the Samples of Fantasy Fiction

dc.contributor.authorKhalabuzar, Oxanaen
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the peculiarities of the process of formation of logical skills of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions on the material of works of art. The logical knowledge and skills that can be improved through pre-designed tasks with logical load are outlined. The author states that the conscious mastering logical skills helps to develop the creative thinking, to develop the argumentation of the teacher, to increase the productivity and effectiveness of the pedagogical activity during the work with the samples of the texts. Within modern conditions of the transformation our national education according to the norm of the European educational environment, we deal with the problem of the training of the future specialist which would be able to compete at high professional level. This teacher has to be mobile, creative and logical. Future specialist has to analyze the given material, to maintain the connections which appear among the phenomena, to implement logical knowledge. Logical skills give students the needed opportunity to think critically, to state the connection between thoughts and samples of the given information, to prove the truth. Also it should me mentioned the importance of the choice and implementation of the literature content which would be used for the forming of the students’ logical skills within the context of the professional training. The creation of various projects, modeling problem situations for the discussions are very useful and effective. Within such condition students have opportunities to reveal their strength, to make complicated decisions and to discuss the consequences, to strengthen their own reflexive position, to analyze the results of their activity. Favorable conditions for the formation of the culture of students' logical thinking arise in classes on literature , history, language, social science, when the teacher, sending students to certain texts, documents and facts, suggests to analyze them and ask questions, the answers to which would reveal the essence of dos leading phenomena. you can invite students to hold a "Binary Lesson", which is a continuation and development of problematic presentation of the material in the dialogue of two lecturers. It is necessary to simulate situations of discussion of theoretical and practical issues by two "specialists", who at the end of the lecture should analyze their own activities and give them an assessment. During the work on tasks with the theoretical logical content we have made the stress on the necessity to develop logical skills during the work with the fantasy fiction’s samples.en
dc.identifier.citationKhalabuzar O. Forming of the Logical Skills with the Help of the Samples of Fantasy Fiction / Oxana Khalabuzar // Наукові записки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. пр. – Бердянськ : БДПУ, 2019. – Вип. 2. – С. 319–325.en
dc.publisherBerdyansk State Pedagogical Universityen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPedagogical sciences; 2en
dc.subjectlogical thinkingen
dc.subjectcreative thinkingen
dc.subjectown reflexive positionen
dc.titleForming of the Logical Skills with the Help of the Samples of Fantasy Fictionen
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