Статистика для Realization of the Creative Potential of Future Engineers-Teachers of the Food Branch as a Factor of Self-Creation in the Professional Activity

Всього відвідувань

Realization of the Creative Potential of Future Engineers-Teachers of the Food Branch as a Factor of Self-Creation in the Professional Activity 6

Всього відвідувань за місяць

March 2024 3
April 2024 0
May 2024 0
June 2024 0
July 2024 0
August 2024 0
September 2024 0

Скачувань файлів

Kurylo-Realization-of-the-Creative-Potential-of-Future-Engineers-Teachers-of-the-Food-Branch-as-a-Factor-of-Self-Creation-in-the-Professional-Activity.pdf 3