Перегляд за Автор "Mytsyk, Hanna"
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- ДокументPeculiarities of the speech therapist’s training for the professional activity in the rural areas(Journal L’Association 1901 «SEPIKE», 2018) Mytsyk, HannaThe author of the article analyzes the problems associated with provision of educational institutions in the countryside by such specialists as speech therapists. Factors that do not contribute to an effective rural educational staffing policy are identified. Using different groups of respondents, the level of readership readiness for professional activity in the rural areas, as well as its dependence on the learning outcomes (competence) that the applicant of the corresponding degree of higher education should acquire has been investigated. Author made conclusions on the necessity of making changes in the content of vocational training of speech therapists, its maximum approximation to the conditions of practical professional activity.
- ДокументPsychoeducation of educators and parents to preserve and promote children’s mental health: the experience of the European Union(The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2020) Tsybuliak, Natalia; Mytsyk, Hanna; Lopatina, HannaУ статті розглянуто досвід Європейського Союзу щодо психоедукації педагогів та батьків у сфері психічного здоров’я дітей та молоді. Розглянуто основні підходи щодо превенції психічних розладів та плекання психічного благополуччя та можливості застосування їх у середовищі щоденного життя дитини. Наведено ефективні практики залучення педагогів і батьків до психоедукації у сфері психічного здоров’я дітей та молоді, які реалізуються у Європейському Союзі.
- ДокументPsychological and Pedagogical Technologies in Working with Children with Special Educational Needs: Neuropedagogical Aspect(BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2023) Mytsyk, Hanna; Lyndina, Yevheniia; Martynyuk, Zoriana; Tovstohan, Volodymyr; Babichenko, Alona; Samoilenko, InnaThe topic of the article is relevant, as the education of children with special needs (OOP) is one of the most pressing and debatable problems of modern education today. The issue of education of children with disabilities becomes relevant due to the significant increase in the number of this group in society, on the one hand, and emerging new opportunities for their adaptation in society, on the other hand. The purpose of the article is to study the functioning system of special education support centers in working with children with special educational needs; familiarization with requirements for psychological and educational support for the development of a child with disabilities; psychological and pedagogical neurotechnologies in working with children with special educational needs; presentation of effective psychological and pedagogical technologies in working with children with special educational needs. As a social group of society, the children must first of all receive real conditions for obtaining quality education, starting from school, and then for obtaining professional training with further employment and adaptation in society. Changes in the school education system could affect only the content of corrective and developmental education for children with disabilities.
- ДокументTelepractice in the System of Providing Correctional and Developmental Services to Children with Speech Disorders: Interaction at a Distance(Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 2020) Mytsyk, Hanna; Pryshliak, MykhailoThe article is devoted to the problem of optimizing the process of providing correctional and developmental services to children with special needs education in the conditions of significant territorial distances. The study outlines Ukraine's achievements in introducing inclusive education in the country, creating conditions for children with special educational needs to receive quality educational and correctional services, including in educational institutions that are most accessible and close to their residency. It is noted that children with speech disorders make up a significant share among them. Emphasis is placed on the difficulties of receiving correctional and developmental services by such children in rural areas, especially in remote settlements. Taking into account the experience of foreign colleagues, the available legal documents reflecting the consensus developed by all countries of the world on future directions of education for people with special needs education, in the article sets out its vision for their partial solution through the use of speech therapy assistance telepractice. The article formulates and presents the author's definition of "telepractice", which means a teacher-speech therapist providing correctional and developmental services using information and communication technologies to accompany and support children with speech disorders and their parents in significant territorial distances. The main advantages of this form of work are substantiated, the specifics of realization of remote interaction models are covered, the expediency of their association for qualitative estimation, diagnostics, correction, and speech development’s monitoring of the child is proved. The problems that hinder the introduction of telepractice in Ukraine, the ambiguous attitude of speech therapists to it are pointed out.