BYOD technology as an instrument of modernization of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists)

dc.contributor.authorHerasymenko, Yuliiaen
dc.description.abstractThe study of the use of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) showed that it is an important component of technological transformation and obviously leads to the modernization of education process in the institutions of higher education. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of implementation of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) and to show its advantages for the modernization of educational process despite the topicality of the research problem in modern pedagogical science. The research methodology is based on theoretical and empirical methods like literature review, analysis and synthesis, deductive and inductive analysis, systematization of theory and practice of the pedagogical problem, observation and interviewing of the participants of educational process. The results of the study show that BYOD helps to solve one of the most essential educational problems that deals with providing institutions of higher education with modern alternative infrastructure and equipment. In addition, it contributes to solution of actual pedagogical and psychological problems regarding personality development and formation of professional competency. The article states that the main principle of BYOD in education concerns the fact that teachers and administration of educational institution do not ban students bringing their devices and use them in the classroom, but they actually encourage it. The reason for the wider acceptance of BYOD technology in the institutions is that the most students own their personal devices and may freely use them in the classroom to carry out educational activities or search necessary information. During the research we found that designing of innovative educational environment for formation of professional competency of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) with the use of BYOD technology takes place in five dimensions: professional, technological, individual, communicative, contextual, and organizational. At the same time, scientists differentiate five applicable BYOD models in the institutions of higher education: institution-provided laptop (tablet), institution-provided laptop together with another device, institution-provided multi-platform device, student-owned laptop(tablet), student-owned any device that is able to connect to the Internet. The study shows that combining different BYOD models in the classroom and during individual work to enhance the efficiency of the educational process. On the basis of literature analysis, we found that BYOD concept can be effectively implemented at the institutions of higher education within the flipped classroom technology. This technology is especially efficient for training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) as it significantly contributes to realization of student- 104 centered approach and introduction of self-paced learning. Also, students may practice foreign language skills, improve technological readiness, and learn how to apply innovative solutions in decision-making. The study states that BYOD technology in the process of training of future specialists is implemented in four different stages: dissemination, practice, assessment or feedback, and result. The results show that a number of applications are used in different stages of implementation of BYOD technology. In addition, the authors analyzed the advantages of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) and elaborated a number of recommendations to implement the technology successfully in the context of modernization of educational process and enhance the formation of students’ professional competency. Practical implementation of the research concerns the possibility to improve the use of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists). The recommendations may be valuable to the researchers who study the problems of digitalization of educational process, teachers in different educational institutions, and future instructors or philologists who need to improve their technological skills and orient successfully in innovative educational environment.en
dc.identifier.citationHerasymenko Yu. A. BYOD technology as an instrument of modernization of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) / Yu. A. Herasymenko // Europeanization of the educational environment: realities and prospects : scientific monograph. ‒ Riga, Latvia : Baltija Publishing, 2023. ‒ P. 84‒107.en
dc.publisherBaltija Publishingen
dc.titleBYOD technology as an instrument of modernization of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists)en
dc.typeBook chapteren
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