The functioning of the correlative pair of international relations “Ukrainians and the French” in the context of the dialogue of cultures (based on the material of the novel “Anna Of Kyiv” by Regine Deforges)
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Бердянський державний педагогічний університет
In connection with the expansion of the sphere of communication, there is a need to establish intercultural communication, which involves not only overcoming the language barrier, but also readiness for dialogue, understanding the cultural identity of other people and recognizing the legitimacy of other perceptions of reality.
Ключові слова
Anna Of Kyiv, culture, author, French, cultural, foreign, traditions, queen, language, novel, dynasty, european
Бібліографічний опис
Герасименко Ю. А. The functioning of the correlative pair of international relations “Ukrainians and the French” in the context of the dialogue of cultures (based on the material of the novel “Anna Of Kyiv” by Regine Deforges) / Ю. А. Герасименко // Мова і соціум: етнокультурний аспект : матеріали IX Міжнародної наукової інтернет конференції, (м. Бердянськ, 11 листопада 2022 р. ): зб. публікацій / гол. ред. С. Глазова. - Бердянськ : БДПУ, 2022. - С. 41-44.