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Зараз показуємо 1 - 5 з 519
  • Документ
    Psychological Well-being and Life Plans of University Students: Gender Features
    (БДПУ, 2024) Spivak, Liubov
    The research aims to study the gender features of university students’ psychological well-being and life plans.
  • Документ
    Modeling of strategies for the development of the resort-recreation sphere of Ukraine
    (SHS Web of Conferences, 2021-05) Zakharchenko, Pavel; Kostenko, Ganna; Kungurtseva-Mashchenko, Tatyana; Zhvanenko, Svitlana; Mukhin, Viktor
    In modern world economy resort recreations – one of the most high-profitable industries of managing. Ukraine owns the powerful resort and recreational potential, effective development of which can bring a real economic benefit. For this purpose, it is necessary to form a system concept for the development of such industry, which are integral part of the economic transformations. The purpose of the article consists in development of approach to modeling of transformations strategy development of resort-recreation systems in which transformation acts as their internal and necessary part. As a result of research, the concept of transformation strategy development was grounded, as a certain period of cyclic dynamics, and the scenarios of origin of catastrophe, development and introduction of innovations is got. The offered approach assumes opportunity to consider development of economy of resort-recreation systems as process of transformation change of strategies. On this basis the model based on theory of catastrophes, which allows carrying out the scenario description of transformation strategies of resort-recreation systems is constructed.
  • Документ
    Формування підприємницьких навичок студентів переміщених університетів
    (ХНУМГ ім. О. М. Бекетова, 2024-02) Несторенко, Тетяна Петрівна
    Повна масштабна війна між Росією та Україною суттєво змінила умови навчання та працевлаштування для студентів та працівників університетів, що розташовані на окупованих територіях. Наступне переміщення університетів на території, підконтрольні уряду України, вимагає розробки нових стратегій підготовки студентів до підприємництва та працевлаштування. Розвиток підприємницьких навичок студентів у нових умовах може стати ключовим чинником їхнього успішного адаптування та використання потенціалу в новому середовищі.
  • Документ
    Формування педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів в умовах дистанційного навчання
    (Полтава : ПНПУ імені В. Г. Короленка, 2023) Голік, Олександр Борисович; Кривильова, Олена Анатоліївна
    Особливості формування педагогічної майстерності майбутніх учителів початкових класів в умовах дистанційного навчання.
  • Документ
    Strategic system effects in resort and tourist spheres
    (Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, 2020-06) Zakharchenko, Pavel; Kostenko, Ganna; Kungurtseva-Mashchenko, Tatyana
    In modern world economy the resort recreations are one of the most highprofitable spheres of managing. Ukraine owns the powerful resort and tourist potential, which effective development can bring a real economic benefit. The market environment needs are in the form of demand and ways to meet them mediated by the market in the form of structural shifts. They are important for forecasting of behavior of the market of resort and tourist products. One of the results of economic transformation in the resort economy is a transition to a new development strategy that is the transition from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. It, in turn, generates numerous system transformational effects to which number, except transformational crisis, follow to carry and transformational structural shifts. Thus, it is possible to speak about difficult system of transformational effects among which there are as effects, which specifics consist only in quantitative differences of transformational economy from market, and effects, which provide existence of qualitative differences between them. In research, set of indicators, which allow analysing structural shifts in resort-recreation economy upon transition to new strategy of development, is constructed. The structure of system is considered, as set of proportions between elements. The movement of all system is described by the reduced indexes of volumes, and the relative movement of production of resort-recreation products in system – is described by indicators of structural shifts. Expected calculations are executed and scenarios developments of Priazovye resort-recreation complex are gained.