Technological support for the system of formation of the future head of the comprehensive educational institution to strategic management in the masterʼs degree conditions

dc.contributor.authorLebid, Olga
dc.contributor.authorLesik, Anzhelika
dc.description.abstractThe research considers the problem of technological support of the process of formation of readiness of the future head of the comprehen-sive educational institution for strategic management in the masterʼs degree conditions. The subject of the study are the theoretical foundations of tech-nological support for the system of forming the readiness of the future heads of comprehensive educational institutions for strategic management in the masterʼs degree conditions. The purpose of the article is to clarify the impor-tance of dialogic, debatable, simulation training and information-distance learning technologies in the process of forming the readiness of the future head of a comprehensive educational institution for strategic management in the conditions of a masterʼs program. According to the goal, the following tasks were set: to characterize the essence, components and advantages of the use of pedagogical technologies that contribute to the formation readiness of the future head of a comprehensive educational institutionʼs for strategic management in the masterʼs degree conditions, namely dialogic, debatable, simulation training and information-distance learning technologies. The research determines that the main pedagogical technologies of forming the readiness of the future head of a comprehensive educational institution for strategic management in the masterʼs degree conditions are dialogic and debat-able technologies (problem lecture, lecture with pre-planned mistakes, lec-ture-conference, lecture-press conference, lecture-conversation, lecture-briefing, lecture with the analysis of specic situations), debatable technologies (debates, discussion, round table, expert group meetings, forum, “aquarium”, “brainstorming”, synectics), simulation training technologies (role-playing games, business games, training, internships (with the execution of an ofcial role)), non-gaming technologies (case-method (method of concrete situations), “balint session”, diary method, method 6-6, method of time constraints, method of sudden prohibitions, method of new variants, the method of absurd)), infor-mation-distance technologies (design topics, Internet-oriented technologies (mentoring, pair learning, e-mail, chat technology, webinar)).The following advantages of the dialogic-debatable learning technologies are dened: the ability to generate new ideas, creative thinking, the ablitity to work with information competently (ability to collect, process, analyze); formation of quality to put forward hypotheses, to formulate problems; for-mation of the ability to communicate in different social groups; ability to work collectively, to prevent conict situations or to be able to profession-ally solve them. The expediency of simulation training learning technologies, which simulate the real activity of the head of a comprehensive educational institution and ensure the formation of professional management skills in an articially created environment, is substantiated. The advantages of infor-mation and distance technologies for the formation of the readiness of the future head of a comprehensive educational institution for strategic manage-ment, which provide educational and professional interaction in the system “teacher – student – computer”, have been proved. It is established that the above-mentioned technologies contribute to: the formation of motives, which are adequate to the goals and objectives of management activities in theeld of strategic management; effective understanding by future leaders of com-prehensive educational institutions of a set of knowledge about the essence and peculiarities of strategic management; formation of business-forecasting, diagnostic-analytical, administrative-managerial and reexive-regulatory administrative skills; the formation of personal qualities that contribute to successful strategic management (persistence, predisposition to risk, asser-tiveness, adaptability, pushfulness, ability to reect).
dc.identifier.citationLebid O. Technological support for the system of formation of the future head of the comprehensive educational institution to strategic management in the masterʼs degree conditions / Lebid Olga, Lesik Anzhelika // Development trends in pedagogical and psychological sciences: the experience of countries of Eastern Europe and prospects of Ukraine : monograph / edited by authors. – 1st ed. – Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. – p. 500–517.
dc.publisher“Baltija Publishing”
dc.titleTechnological support for the system of formation of the future head of the comprehensive educational institution to strategic management in the masterʼs degree conditions
dc.typeBook chapter
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