Метод проектів як засіб підвищення ефективності навчання іноземних мов студентів немовних спеціальностей

dc.contributor.authorШкола, Ірина Вікторівнаuk
dc.descriptionModern competitive qualified professionals must be able not only to use English in their everyday life, but have a sufficient amount of knowledge, skills and abilities: to understand the material at conferences, round tables and seminars by the ear; work online; maintain a conversation and keep the discussion on professional and business topics; find information in the Internet or other foreign sources; prepare and hold presentations on specific topics. One of the components of an effective implementation of these tasks is using a project method for English language teaching. It is clear that the project method can’t replace the other techniques and methods of teaching a foreign language, but in modern conditions especially in nonlinguistic specialties, it has an advantage because it can be used for teaching students who have different skills, abilities and level of language training. The main idea of this approach of teaching English is doing all sorts of exercises which require active mental activity of students, who have to possess definite linguistic skills. The project method allows us to solve this didactic problem and turns English classes into discussion or research club, where really interesting, meaningful and practically available to students problems are solved. This teaching technology doesn’t focus on the integration of factual knowledge. Instead it focuses on practical application and getting the new information (often through self-education). Active involvement of students to create professionally oriented projects on various topics gives them a possibility to learn something new, to develop their skills and to try new ways of human activity in the socio-cultural environment. It develops constructive critical thinking, self-presentation and teamwork skills (in case of group or pair project), improves the socialization of each student and encourages language learning. To form necessary students’ language competences required by the programs and standards we should provide the active oral practice for every student group. Project technology will be very useful for this purpose. Of course, the tasks of the project go beyond classroom training and require further self-study work, but it is selfjustified, since it is able to provide: – activity, even those students who tend to keep silence; – revealing students’ abilities, which provide them with self-confidence; – improving communication skills of students; – develop important students’ skills and abilities (making collaborative decisions, professional creative thinking, activity and autonomy in the process of learning, individual and collective responsibility for work done); – development of research skills (doing tasks the future professionals have to find and analyze the necessary theoretical sources, select illustrations, make conclusions); – creating conditions for improving and a more thorough studying not only grammar, but other aspects of language; – development of critical thinking. Thus, the project method is considered as an integrated system of education, possessing which students get knowledge, doing practical tasks (projects) that gradually become more complicated, and involve an organized, long and meaningful for students foreign language research activity. This work can be done both in the classroom and outside of classroom time.en
dc.description.abstractУ статті проаналізовано зміст і особливості застосування методу проектів із метою підвищення ефективності навчання англійської мови студентів ВНЗ. Обґрунтовано переваги його впровадження як ефективного засобу мотивації студентів до вивчення іноземної мови, розкриття їх інтелектуального та творчого потенціалу, розвитку мовленнєвих умінь і навичок. Акцентовано на формуванні самостійного креативного мислення студентів, що сприятиме практичному використанню набутих знань.uk
dc.identifier.citationШкола І. В. Метод проектів як засіб підвищення ефективності навчання іноземних мов студентів немовних спеціальностей / І. В. Школа // Педагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школах : зб. наук. пр. / [гол. ред. Т. І. Сущенко]. – Запоріжжя : КПУ, 2014. – Вип. 37 (90). – С. 449–455.uk
dc.publisherПедагогіка формування творчої особистості у вищій і загальноосвітній школахuk
dc.subjectтехнологія проектівuk
dc.subjectпрофесійна компетентністьuk
dc.subjectмотивація навчальної діяльностіuk
dc.subjectпрофесійний саморозвитокuk
dc.subjectproject methoduk
dc.subjectprofessional competenceen
dc.subjectlearning activitiesen
dc.subjectprofessional self-developmenten
dc.titleМетод проектів як засіб підвищення ефективності навчання іноземних мов студентів немовних спеціальностейuk
dc.title.alternativeMethod of Projects as an Approach of Improving of Foreign Languages Teaching for University Students of Nonlinguistic Specialtiesen
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