Definition of the Role and the Place of Practical Content in the Context of Quality Training of Higher Education Specialists

creativework.keywordsHigher education levels, student, practical training, employment, euro-integration, labor marketen
dc.contributor.authorAkmen Victoriіaen
dc.contributor.authorSorokina Svitlanaen
dc.contributor.authorSorokina Valentynaen
dc.description.abstractThis work considers the issues of students' practical training as an integral component in modern technologies of degree education. This issue acquires particular relevance at the present time, when there is an increase in competition in the market of educational and scientific services, and Ukraine is advancing through integration into the European educational space. It is noted that without radical changes in the system of higher education, including without matching the labor market, without increasing the professional level of the nation, it is impossible to ensure the innovative development and competitiveness of educational activities in the country. Besides, innovative development of economy requires high level of education and practical training of specialists. Lagging of content and quality of education from labor market needs, from trends of world economic development leads to growth of unemployment and dissatisfaction of domestic employers. It is suggested to establish a hereditary relationship between educational approaches and labor market demands: what students master in educational technology should materialize in practice or in the production sphere. The main role in this should play practical skills, which the student acquires at the enterprises during the internship at all stages of education. The study showed that a specific system of training can play a big role in the issue of forecasting the needs of the labor market. The necessity of introducing new directions of marketing strategy was noted. The main of which is determined by the expediency of introducing gradation of master's education level according to three reasonable variants of master's programs, in accordance with the future vision of learning outcomes, the role of future specialist in the labor market and aspiration for direction of self-realization in the life space. Each of these stages should shape the student's specific skills, mindset. It is shown that at all learning levels attention should be paid not only to theoretical-methodological tasks and expert methods of their substantiation, but also not to leave unattended the approaches aimed at activation of students' creative search. The peculiarity of such approach during the practical work of students is emphasized The possibility of forecasting the needs of the labor market, taking into account general educational trends through the implementation of a model for the development of systemic partnership: government, business and higher education, with the active participation of employers is proposed.en
dc.identifier.citationAkmen V. Definition of the Role and the Place of Practical Content in the Context of Quality Training of Higher Education Specialists / Victoriіa Akmen, Svitlana Sorokina, Valentyna // Наукові записки БДПУ. Сер.: Педагогічні науки. – 2022. – Вип. 1. – С. 11–20.en
dc.publisherBerdyansk State Pedagogical Universityen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПедагогічні науки; 1ua
dc.titleDefinition of the Role and the Place of Practical Content in the Context of Quality Training of Higher Education Specialistsen
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