Future primary school teachers preparation for ecological upbringing of students as a pedagogical problem of today

dc.contributor.authorSaienko, Yuliiaen
dc.contributor.authorVysochan, Lesiaen
dc.contributor.authorPletenicka, Lidiaen
dc.description.abstractThe article identifies and characterizes the features of environmental upbringing of primary school students and the preparation of teachers for its implementation as a pedagogical problem of today. The authors research scientific papers on the peculiarities of environmental upbringing of primary school students and teacher training, as well as describe ways to achieve the goal of environmental upbringing in the case of solving a set of interrelated tasks that have educational, upbringing, and value components. Environmental upbringing is one of the priority areas in the general system of education, aimed at the harmonious development of man, his civic consciousness. Therefore, it cannot be considered as a separate form of education. Although, of course, the relevance and specificity of environmental upbringing encourage us to perceive it as one of the important areas of the overall educational process. In the scientific and pedagogical literature, environmental upbringing and upbringing are interpreted as a psychological and pedagogical process of human impact in order to form knowledge of the scientific foundations of nature, the necessary beliefs and practical skills, a certain orientation and active social position in environmental protection, environmental management and reproduction of natural resources. Modern theory and methods of vocational education offers a concept of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical foundations of the process of professional environmental upbringing of future primary school teachers, emphasizing the role of methods and technologies by which it is possible to implement the content of environmental upbringing, implementing the highest ideals and standards of ecological educated personality of the teacher. The authors argue that the actualization of the tasks of preparing future primary school teachers for environmental upbringing of primary school students is due to modern socio-cultural circumstances, which allows the formation of environmentally educated personalities capable of self-application of environmental knowledge and skills.en
dc.identifier.citationSaienko Y. Future primary school teachers preparation for ecological upbringing of students as a pedagogical problem of today / Yuliia Saienko, Lesia Vysochan, Lidia Pletenicka // Наукові записки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. пр. – Бердянськ : БДПУ, 2021. – Вип. 2. – С. 288–296. en
dc.language.isoen en
dc.publisherБердянський державний педагогічний університетuk
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПедагогічні науки; 2uk
dc.subjectEnvironmental upbringing, primary school student, teacher trainingen
dc.subjectекологічне виховання, учні початкової школи, підготовка вчителівuk
dc.titleFuture primary school teachers preparation for ecological upbringing of students as a pedagogical problem of today en
dc.title.alternativeПідготовка майбутніх учителів початкових класів до екологічного виховання учнів як педагогічна проблема сьогоденняuk
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