Методологічні підходи підготовки майбутніх інженерів-педагогів харчової галузі до творчої професійної діяльності

dc.contributor.authorКривильова, Олена Анатоліївнаuk
dc.contributor.authorКурило, Олена Юріївнаuk
dc.descriptionThe success of the professional activity of food industry engineers-teachers depends on their ability to creatively solve professional problems. Training of competitive food industry professionals, in particular, engineers-teachers, is possible only if educational institutions and food enterprises cooperate fruitfully, when higher education institutions understand the needs of modern production and are able to train young professionals for further professional careers, and enterprises, in turn, are ready to work with graduates Educational institutions face the task of educating mobile, professionally and socially adapted specialists in the food industry, capable of working in various positions under various forms of labor organization and production in conditions of competition, which requires a rethinking of methodological approaches and their role in the preparation of future engineers-teachers of the food industry to creative professional activity in changing working conditions. The goal of this study is to highlight the methodological approaches to training of future food industry engineers-teachers for creative professional activity. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks have been defined: to identify the main methodological approaches to training future food industry engineers-teachers for creative professional activity; to reveal the features of the implementation of systemic, synergistic and creative approaches to the training of future food industry engineers-teachers for creative professional activity. To achieve the goal and solve the tasks, a set of interrelated theoretical research methods was used: analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature to identify the essence of methodological approaches and the possibility of their use in the educational field; generalization and systematization of scientific and theoretical provisions to identify the main methodological approaches to the preparation of future food industry engineers-teachers for creative professional activity. The conducted research made it possible to determine the main methodological approaches of training future food industry engineers-teachers for creative professional activity, in particular, systemic, synergistic and creative, taking into account the peculiarities of the creative professional activity of the food industry engineers-teachers. The use of a systemic approach made it possible to interpret the readiness of future food industry engineers-teachers for creative professional activity and the model of its formation as a complete system, the relatively independent components of which are analyzed not in isolation, but in relationship, in combination with others. The use of a synergistic approach in the research contributed to the study of the subject of the pedagogical system, in particular the future food industry engineer-teacher, as a system that is constantly self organizing, from the standpoint of openness, co-creation and orientation to creative self-development. This approach made it possible to reveal the essence, meaning and role of readiness of future food industry engineers-teachers for creative professional activity in the process of professional training based on the disclosure of their creative potential. The use of a creative approach in the organization of the creative activity of future food industry engineers-teachers contributed to the mastery of knowledge and means of their use based on the latest technologies, methods and types of activities; the formation of the ability to creatively and consciously choose optimal methods of transformative activity, plan own and collective activity, forecast and predict its results, evaluate work efficiency, think systemically and comprehensively, independently update information, carry out project activities. The creative approach stimulates future food industry engineers-teachers to form a creative individuality, a creative style of activity, non standard solutions to specialized tasks and practical problems in a certain field of activity, and the ability to innovate.en
dc.description.abstractМетою даного дослідження є висвітлення методологічних підходів підготовки майбутніх інженерів-педагогів харчової галузі до творчої професійної діяльності. Проведене дослідження дозволило визначити основні методологічні підходи підготовки майбутніх інженерів-педагогів харчової галузі до творчої професійної діяльності, зокрема, системний, синергетичний та творчий, зважаючи на особливості творчої професійної діяльності інженерів-педагогів харчової галузі.uk
dc.identifier.citationКривильова О. А. Методологічні підходи підготовки майбутніх інженерів-педагогів харчової галузі до творчої професійної діяльності / О. А. Кривильова, О. Ю. Курило // Scientific space : integration of traditional and innovative processes : Scientific monograph. – Riga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing», 2023. – С. 305–325.uk
dc.publisherRiga, Latvia : «Baltija Publishing»en
dc.titleМетодологічні підходи підготовки майбутніх інженерів-педагогів харчової галузі до творчої професійної діяльностіuk
dc.title.alternativeMethodological approaches to the training of future engineers-teachers of the food industry for creative professional activitiesen
dc.typeBook chapteren
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