Професійно-комунікативна культура вихователя закладу дошкільної освіти як наукова проблема

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Полтавський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти ім. М. В. Остроградського
Обґрунтовано та запропоновано визначення поняття “професійно-комунікативна культура вихователя закладу дошкільної освіти” на основі детального розгляду понять “культура”, “професійна культура”, “комунікативна культура” у контексті культурологічного та гуманістичного підходів. З’ясовано, яким чином та в яких аспектах дотичні до професії вихователя категорії, позначені цими поняттями, розглянуто вплив загальної культури фахівця на його професійну культуру.
The theoretical research summarizes the study of the concepts of “culture”, “professional culture”, “communicative culture” in the context of culturological and humanistic approaches by researchers in the training of specialists in various fields (medical, primary education, service, aviation, philology and engineering). On its basis, it was found out how and in what aspects such categories as “profession”, “professional activity”, “pedagogical activity”, “professional culture”, “relations”, “communication”, “professional communication”, “communicative culture” are tangible to the profession of a pre-school educational institution teacher and the influence of the specialist’s general culture on his/her professional culture is considered. Theoretical and practical principles of the speech culture, modern understanding of pedagogical activity’s peculiarities as professional; relations and communication as methods, means of organizing the pedagogical process, where the language emerges as the main tool of pedagogical discourse, the necessity of impeccable possession of the literary norms of the native language by future educators of pre-school educational institutions are revealed. On the basis of the complex system of elements in the professional culture of a specialist, a complex elements’ system of the professional and communicative culture of a future educator in the pre-school educational institution is defined, which includes the professional (pedagogical) activity carried out by means of communication (pedagogical, professional), in various processes of which information exchange takes place, that is, communication, on the basis of a communicative culture. The definitions of “professional and communicative culture” are given and the definition of “professional and communicative culture of a pre-school educational institution teacher” is defined on the basis of culture understanding not only as a state, level, degree of possession perfection of a certain amount of knowledge and skills used by a person in professional activity on the basis of value orientations, but also as understanding of culture as the activity, that is, cultivation (improvement) of professional communication taking into account the variability of human nature.
Ключові слова
культура, професія, комунікація, спілкування, педагогічне спілкування, culture, profession, communication, relations, pedagogical communication
Бібліографічний опис
Мороз-Рекотова Л. В. Професійно-комунікативна культура вихователя закладу дошкільної освіти як наукова проблема / Л. В. Мороз-Рекотова // Імідж сучасного педагога : електрон. наук. фаховий журнал. – 2019. – № 1 (184). – С. 12–18.