Trello as a Tool for the Development of Lifelong Learning Skills of Senior Students

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Postmodern Openings
The article focuses on the problem of development of the lifelong learning skills of senior students in secondary school of general education. The model of interaction between the subjects of learning in the Trello project management system is developed. The foreign literature learning environment in the Trello system is developed. The experience of using the Trello project management system in the process of teaching foreign literature in 10th and 11th grades is described. It has been found that according to the lifelong learning approach a person has to possess skills: goal setting, self-regulation, motivation, time management, self-directed learning, collaboration skills, and self-development. It was pointed out that there are common approaches to project management and educational process management. The use of online systems for collaborative work in the educational process in the secondary school of general education is suggested. Online systems for teamwork that support Kanban methodologies for project management have been analyzed. To confirm the effectiveness of the implementation of the Trello project management system as a tool for the development of lifelong learning skills of senior students, an experiment was conducted: criteria, indicators, levels, and the state of formation of lifelong learning skills of senior students were determined; statistical analysis of the results of the experiment was carried out. The effectiveness of the implementation of the Trello project management system as a tool of the formation of the lifelong learning skills of senior students has been experimentally proven. The study can be applied in educational institutions interested in using agile methods in teaching.
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Shchetynina, O., Kravchenko, N., Horbatiuk, L., Alieksieieva, H., & Mezhuyev, V. (2022). Trello as a Tool for the Development of Lifelong Learning Skills of Senior Students. Postmodern Openings, Vol. 13, No. 2, Р. 143-167.