The ways of forming of written skills as а form of communication of the English language of students of higher school

creativework.keywordsWriting, skills, communication, learning process, skillsen
creativework.keywordsписьмо, навички, комунікація, процес навчання, вмінняua
dc.contributor.authorRadzievska Olgaen
dc.contributor.authorLoza Innaen
dc.description.abstractThe problem of formation of English written language skills during English language teaching in high school was considered in the work. Studies have shown that the formation of English written language skills plays an important role in the process of learning and mastering a foreign written language at a senior stage. Considering the theoretical aspects of the formation of written skills, namely: the concept of foreign written language, goals and content of learning to write, ways and means of forming a foreign written language, we can conclude that learning to speak is inextricably linked with learning other speech activities . Writing skills allow to preserve language and factual knowledge, serve as a reliable tool for thinking, stimulate speaking, listening and reading in a foreign language. It is noted that in recent years the role of writing in foreign language teaching is gradually increasing, and, in a sense, writing is beginning to be seen as a reserve in improving the effectiveness of foreign language learning. One cannot ignore the practical significance of written language communication in the light of modern means of communication, such as e-mail, the Internet, etc. In the latter case, writing as a form of linguistic communication develops on the basis of only authentic material. It is emphasized that if you correctly define the goals of learning writing and writing, take into account the role of writing in the development of other skills, use exercises that fully meet the goal, perform these exercises at the appropriate stage of learning, then oral speech gradually becomes richer and more logical. Thus, based on the above statements, we can conclude that the main purpose of the work – to analyze the skills of written speech and their formation at the senior stage of learning English in high school - has been achieved, as well as the tasks. The classification of written skills was studied, the base of exercises was considered, the evaluation criteria were identified and the requirements and indicators of the formation of written skills were analyzed.en
dc.identifier.citationRadzievska O. The ways of forming of written skills as а form of communication of the English language of students of higher school / Olga Radzievska, Inna Loza // Наукові записки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. пр. – Бердянськ : БДПУ, 2021. – Вип. 3.– С. 157–164.en
dc.publisherБердянський державний педагогічний університетua
dc.relation.ispartofseriesПедагогічні науки; 3ua
dc.titleThe ways of forming of written skills as а form of communication of the English language of students of higher schoolen
dc.title.alternativeШляхи формування письмових навичок як форми комунікації англійською мовою студентів вищої школиua
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