Formation of ICT-competence of the future specialist in the energy industry in the conditions of informatization of education (distance education)

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House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o.
The section of the collective monograph is dedicated to the study of the existing experience in the creation and use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the higher school, the possibilities of their application for the formation of the professional competence of the future specialist in the energy profile are considered. The method of organizing professional training of energy specialists for the effective use of information and communication technologies in professional activities is proposed. The section of the collective monograph is a generalization of work experience in the use of ICT in teaching the disciplines of the energy cycle. The lack of illustrative material on energy cycle disciplines in higher education is solved by using multimedia equipment. Therefore, the main purpose of using ICT in the educational process is to stimulate and support the interest of students in mastering the disciplines of the energy cycle. The organization of the educational process with the use of multimedia tools during the study of the energy cycle disciplines can become more progressive in the sense that analytical, practical and experimental learning principles will be widely applied, which will allow the entire educational process to be oriented to each individual student. Examples of the use of various multimedia resources in classes are described. The significance of the use of ICT in teaching energy cycle disciplines is revealed.
Ключові слова
computer, professional activity, professional competence, information and communication technologies, energy cycle disciplines, multimedia resources
Бібліографічний опис
Onyshchenko S. Formation of Ict-Competence of the Future Specialist in the Energy Industry in the Conditions of Informatization of Education (Distance Education) / Serhii Onyshchenko // The latest foundations for the development of production, science and education – 2023 : сollective monograph. – Nová Dubnica : NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023. – Chapter 3. – Р. 37–55. Format : e-book.