Creating a barrier-free educational environment: didactic techniques for preventing students’ emotional barriers

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Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
The relevance of the research problem is determined by the well-founded theoretical positions of many researchers. That is why the problem of studying the impact of emotional barriers on the effectiveness of the educational process and the search for effective didactic techniques to prevent emotional barriers is becoming relevant. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the essence and typology of students' emotional barriers accompanying the educational process, as well as to highlight didactic techniques for their prevention. In this research the authors prove that emotions have dual impact on person’s activity. From the one hand they stimulates and regulates it, from the other – it deactivates person’s activity. That is why the problem of studying the influence of emotional barriers on the effectiveness of the educational process and the search for effective didactic methods of preventing emotional barriers is becoming more and more relevant. The authors consider negative influence of emotions as an obstacle in educational process. In this research the authors define an emotional barrier as an internal reaction to an external barrier which is embodied in certain emotional conditions and accompanies negative consequences of activity. In this article the reasons of occurrence and typology of emotional barriers of students are analyzed. In this article particular attention is paid to the didactic methods of preventing emotional barriers in learning process. It is noted that the prevention strategy is based on two consistent tactics – diagnosis and forecasting. By diagnosis, we mean the activity of studying the nature, type, and characteristics of learning situations in the educational process. The diagnosis of the components and content of learning situations is the basis for barrier forecasting – a reasonable assumption about the possibility of its occurrence or development in the future. Without a reasonable forecast of a possible barrier, it is impossible to prevent its occurrence. The more in-depth, reliable, comprehensive, and prompt the diagnostic and prognostic activities, the more effective the work on barrier prevention can be.
Ключові слова
educational activity, an emotional barrier, emotions, types of emotional barriers, didactic methods, prevention
Бібліографічний опис
Hlazkova I. Creating a barrier-free educational environment: didactic techniques for preventing students’ emotional barriers / Iryna Hlazkova, Svіtlana Khatuntseva // Наукові записки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. пр. – Бердянськ : БДПУ, 2023. – Вип. 3. – С. 448–456.