Cloud technologies in support of university students’ independent study

dc.contributor.authorPavlenko, Liliiaen
dc.contributor.authorPavlenko, Maksymen
dc.contributor.authorKhomenko, Vitaliien
dc.description.abstractScientific and technological progress, the changes taking place in the information orientation of society, necessitate not only the improvement of the higher education content, but also the creation of conditions under which the education system will be able to adapt quickly to any changes. Teachers have developed a large number of educational Internet resources. Online distance education courses are published on the Internet; students are attracted to selfeducation through the use of mass open online courses. However, most students still remain passive in organizing their own independent learning activities. They cannot organize their time, personal goals are often changed, and planning their own activities is unrealistic. The training of future specialists is not possible without self-study activities, which is one of the main factors in the ability to work independently, organize and plan their own practical activities. This is due to the fact that only in the process of independent cognitive activity students develop the skills of using knowledge in practice. Support of students' independent activity should cover the following educational tasks: processing of electronic documents, preparation of scientific and technical reports and documentation; solving computational problems of different complexity; joint work, search and exchange of scientific and technical data; designing algorithms and programming; work with databases; modeling and designing for the solution of experimental and practical tasks in the field of professional activity Cloud services that are used for support of independent work can be divided into the following categories: – storage of educational materials (YouTube, Google Drive, Docs, Presentations, CMS Wordpress); – communication (Gmail, Google Groups); – self-learning activity tool (Google Calendar); – practical independent activity (Google Drive, Docs, Presentations, Tables, Forms, etc.) The main tool for organizing an independent learning activity using cloud-based technologies is the Google Calendar service. Thanks to it, it is possible to implement all organizational measures for planning, conducting, performing various types of independent work of students, ensuring timely performing of tasks and drawing up reports. Electronic calendar and integration of its elements in the educational site ensure the proper functioning of informational and methodological support of students’ independent study.en
dc.identifier.citationPavlenko, L. Cloud technologies in support of university students’ independent study / Pavlenko, L., Pavlenko, M., & Khomenko, V. // About the problems of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them : Abstracts of VI International Scientific and Practical Conference (October 26-30, 2020, Milan, Italy). – Milan, Italy : International Science Group, 2020. – Р. 254–255.en
dc.subjectInformational and methodological supporten
dc.subjectindependent studyen
dc.subjectcloud technologiesen
dc.subjectGoogle calendaren
dc.titleCloud technologies in support of university students’ independent studyen
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