Using movies in teaching English in secondary school

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Kharkiv : O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Econоmy
The method of learning English through watching movies can help teachers take into consideration students' demands for watching real movie stories together with reading books, magazines, and newspapers. Because, as it is known not only printed materials can serve as a great source of teaching but also songs and movies play a key role in learning foreign languages
Ключові слова
Teaching, method, motivation, secondary school, language development
Бібліографічний опис
Slastonova D. Using movies in teaching English in secondary school / Slastonova D., Shymanovych I. // Young Researchers in the Global World: Approaches and Challenges : Book of papers of the 2021 International Forum for Young Researchers, (Kharkiv, April 23, 2021) / O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Econоmy in Kharkiv, TESOL-Ukraine [and oth.]. – Kharkiv : O. M. Beketov NUUE in Kharkiv, 2021. – P. 276–277.