Realization of the Creative Potential of Future Engineers-Teachers of the Food Branch as a Factor of Self-Creation in the Professional Activity
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Published by Atlantis Press
The paper scientifically substantiates realization of the creative potential of future engineers-teachers of the food branch as a factor of self-creation in professional activity. In particular, there is considered the essence of the professional activity of engineers-teachers of the food branch in the context of the creativity phenomenon as an ability to realize professional functions and to solve specialized problems and practical tasks of the professional (professional-technical) education and food branch of production. Possibilities of realization of the creative potential of future engineers-teachers of the food branch, based on rethinking and transformation of own experience at mastering the chosen specialty, are revealed. Creativity is considered as a condition of effective personal self-creation that determines the personal creative essence and provides a possibility of continuous changes in its structure. Contradictions, based on results of the analysis of the modern educational practice in training future engineers-teachers in the food branch and its development tendencies are established. Ways of the professional training improvement of future engineers-teachers in the food branch, oriented at realization of their creative potential, are determined. The effective mechanism of self-creation of future engineers-teachers in the food branch in the professional activity is determined as an orientation of their professional training at the optimal realization of the creative potential and provision of correspondent organizational-pedagogical conditions (activation of incentive motives to creative self-expression in the future professional activity; using of didactic possibilities of disciplines of the cycle of the professional and practical training in achieving expected results of creative type; organization of the psychological-pedagogical support as to formation of components of the readiness to the professional activity).
Ключові слова
Engineer-teacher, creative potential, food branch, professional activity, professional-technical education, self-creation
Бібліографічний опис
Kurilo O. Realization of the Creative Potential of Future Engineers-Teachers of the Food Branch as a Factor of Self-Creation in the Professional Activity / O. Kurilo // Proceedings of the 2020 3rd International Seminar on Education Research and Social Science (ISERSS 2020). – Atlantis Press, 2021. – Vol. 516. – Pp. 187–192. – (Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research).