Перегляд за Автор "Antonenko, Oleksandr"
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- ДокументApplying the group discussion method in vocational educational institutions on the example of computer subjects(Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2023) Alieksieieva, Hanna; Ostenda, Aleksander; Shchetynina, Olha; Antonenko, Oleksandr; Ovsyannikov, OleksandrFormulaon of the problem. The arcle considers the problem of applying the group discussion method in vocaonal educaonal instuons on the example of computer subjects. There is a problem of developing students’ crical analysis of the informaon content and inslling the communicaon skills, promong the professional training of students and teachers for the posive and responsible use of informaon and communicaon technology, and services. The purpose of the arcle. To consider the main peculiaries of the applying of group discussion methods in the educaonal process of vocaonal instuons on the example of computer subjects. The main results of the study. The modern learning process is analyzed, which provides for one of the important tasks to significantly expand the forms of learning acvies of students. The characteriscs of teaching methods are given. The theorecal foundaons of the educaonal process are highlighted, which should be constructed as communicaon, interacon, exchange of iniaves of its parcipants. This is the way the educaonal process is organized using group, interacve (interacon-based) teaching methods – discussions, role-playing, and simulaon games. The focus is on the group discussion as the most prevalent method. The main task of the group discussion is revealed: to idenfy the exisng diversity of parcipants’ points of view on any problem and a comprehensive analysis of each of them on the example of computer topics. It has been proved that the organized training and educaon, carried out within the framework of a parcular pedagogical system, has a certain organizaonal design, differing by the quantave coverage of students, the rao of collecve and individual forms of organizaon of students’ acvies, the degree of their self-acvity and the specifics of the educaonal process management by the teacher. The praccal example describes the stages of conducng a discussion lesson, which contributes to the development of basic communicaon skills of students, develops their thinking and speaking, while they master the public speaking skills and evidence-based argument, increases their interest in computer topics. We offer the author’s lesson plan for vocaonal instuons on the topic “Book and computer in the informaon society: pros and cons”. Conclusions. It is concluded that discussion is one of the most difficult types of interacve lessons. Students should not only have an understanding of the main interpretaons of essenal IT problems, but also express their own opinions on various issues. Discussion of these quesons is impossible without gaining experience in dialogue and discussion.
- ДокументDevelopment of scientific and educational system: European vector – 2024(NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Makhnachova, Natalia; Bondar, Vita; Gryniv, Tetiana; Skybinska, Zoryana; Podakov, Yevgeny; Kozychar, Mykhailo; Kostruba, Nataliia; Morozov, Oleg; Strukulenko, Anastasia; Onyshchenko, Serhii; Zhyhir, Victoriia; Antonenko, OleksandrThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументGlobal Partnership in Education as an Enhancement of University Prestige and Economic Impact(AJBSR, 2023) Alieksieieva, Hanna; Zhygyr, Viktoriia; Nagay, Irina; Antonenko, Oleksandr; Ovsyannikov, OleksandrThe topical problems of increasing country’s competitiveness, considering world experience, should be solved only in accordance with modern requirements of rapidly changing information society, where competitive advantages largely depend on the quality of human resources and investments in human capital. The article describes the practical aspects of the development of internationalization of professional education in Ukraine on the experience of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, clarifies the current opportunities for improving the quality of education in the light of international practice on the example of the Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla (Mexico), and identifies the ways to realize the potential of partnership in vocational education in Ukraine. The experience of Ukraine, Poland, and Mexico, where the key condition for integration into the global university of knowledge is the quality of higher educinternational curriculacordance with international curricula standards, has been analysed. The practical experience of international scientific activities of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University and Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla is described. The cooperation resulted in new competitive products demanded by the world market, which allowed Ukraine, Poland, and Mexico to take their worthy place in the global economic system. Poland’s significant experience, where international programs offer affordable but high-quality education and opportunities for studying abroad, attracts a diverse range of students from all over the world, including those from Ukraine, former CIS countries, Scandinavia, Western Europe, the USA, and the Emirates. The article concludes about the effectiveness of international cooperation in science, which determines the status and prestige of the university, examines the European integration process of higher education system of Ukraine and the existing training technologies. Drawing on various thematic studies and expert opinions, the article provides a comprehensive analysis of the strategies and outcomes of global educational partnerships. It critically examines the successes and challenges faced by institutions in different regions, offering insights into the diverse approaches adopted to maximize the potential of this collaboration. An example of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics, Informatics and Technological Education of the BSPU is given, which demonstrates how global educational partnership significantly increases the prestige of the university and has a positive effect on the economy. Active participation of the faculty in international projects and grants, such as “PlatForum” and “World without violence”, positions the university as a key player in solving global and societal challenges. These international engagements not only enhance the university’s reputation, but also contribute to economic growth by fostering a skilled, innovative, and globally aware workforce. In essence, the article serves as a key discourse on the changing role of higher education in the global context. The authors offer a nuanced understanding of how international cooperation in education not only reshapes the academic landscape but also significantly influences economic paradigms, thereby paving the way for a more integrated and prosperous global community.
- ДокументPeculiarities of the Formation of Students’ Business Communication Skills within the Distance Learning(Hindawi. Education Research International, 2023-10) Nagay, Irina; Khalabuzar, Oksana; Alieksieieva, Hanna; Antonenko, Oleksandr; Ovsyannikov, OleksandrThe article deals with the problems of the formation of students’ business communications skills at higher educational institutions. The authors ground the hypothesis that the implementation of nonstandard ways and forms of teaching foreign language provides the increasing of effectiveness of formation of students’ business communicative skills. The goal of research work deals with the theoretical justification and presentation of nonstandard interactive means and forms of educational activity oriented on the formation of business communication skills (BCS) of students within distance learning. Due to the applied qualitative and quantitative methods of research (conducted surveys, experimental research work, data analysis, etc.), it was proved the necessity of implementation of the interactive technologies into the educational process. The authors found out that modern society requires the new generation of specialists who must be educated, professional in their fields, and able to compete within the rapidly changing paradigms of the business systems. For the further implementation by teachers, they are given samples of nonstandard forms of educational activity, certain interactive technologies, instructions, and advice on ways of increasing the effectiveness of BCS. There are described prospects of the further research activity, which will be devoted to the problem of strengthening of BCS.
- ДокументTraining of specialists in modeling, programming and control of mechatronic complexes(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Zhyhir, Victoriia; Antonenko, OleksandrMechatronics is the integration of mechanics, electronics, computer science and control systems, which allows you to create complex automated systems. It arose in the middle of the 20th century, when new technologies became necessary to automate production processes. With the development of computer technology and electronics, mechatronics became the basis for the creation of robotic systems, drones, medical devices and smart home technologies. In the modern world, mechatronics is an important component of many innovations that ensure efficiency, accuracy and safety. Given the rapid development of the industry, the demand for specialists with knowledge in all these disciplines has increased. Training specialists in the field of mechatronics not only increases the country's competitiveness on the world stage, but also ensures the successful development of industry, science and technology.