Перегляд за Автор "Khalabuzar, Oksana"
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- ДокументELT via interactive methods: advantages, features and structure(Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 2023) Khalabuzar, Oksana; Khalabuzar, ElinaThe article reveals the aspects of implementation interactive methods. The authors underline that the modern educational research underline that the use of interactive methods has become the subject of scientific work of the national and foreign pedagogues. Today, more than ever, the awareness and skillful use of interactive technologies affect workplaces, education, scientific development, market and political cooperation, communications, and more. Gadgets are no longer reserved for a select few as they exist in all forms of modern life, including educational institutions. The authors make streets on the fact that today we should adjust to process of the educational transformation, which takes place in the whole world. Thus, the interactive technologies gain the world-wide popularity due to the access to the internet of the participants of the educational activities. The Interactive methods effectively improve the students' academic achievements. They are oriented on the active participation in the educational process. They are able to upgrade the motivation and to develop the educational cognitive independence. Thus, teachers of the 21st century will use different interactive technologies. That’s why we have to correct the educational training of our students considering the theory and practice of the interactive technologies in ELT (English language teaching). The authors try to prove that the ELT has to be oriented on the interactive learning because it is able to form soft skills, to develop the English language communication, to form communicative strategies of the students. Thanks to the IM (interactive methods) we help students to improve the skills of the team-work, to upgrade the logical skills skills (analysis, synthesis, goal setting, problem-solving etc.) We should also take into account that the implementation of the IM guarantees that the students will work in the positive, relaxed atmosphere, developing their emotional intellect. Therefore, it is important to use interactive teaching methods, which play an important role in understanding the subject, as well as to develop spontaneous speech skills, in order to effectively teach English to primary school students and for better memorization. They promote better learning and increase the motivation of primary school students. Using the appropriate IM we can effectively upgrade the students’ motivation during the ELT within educational and extra-educational activities.
- ДокументFormation of students’ educational independence during cognitive activities(Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 2022) Khalabuzar, Oksanaforming of culture of logical thinking of the future specialists. It is underlined that self-activity is the ability of the person to organize own activity ant to realize it with the aim of solution of new problems. It is proved that the self-activity is the one of the indexes of the formed culture of logical thinking. We distinguish three levels of educational independence in cognitive activity aimed at forming a reflective position on the culture of logical thinking. The first level: reproductive (reproductive), in which the individual tries to learn new knowledge, perform the proposed tasks, provided there is a clear and understandable sample and tips of the teacher. The criterion for the formation of this level may be the desire of the individual to understand the object of study, in the performance of tasks. Indicators of this level are the ability to perform tasks on the model and the lack of need to analyze their own activities, its results. Second level: reconstructive, in which the individual seeks to understand the content of the object of study, its essence, to identify causal relationships. In addition, the individual tries to master the means of applying knowledge in a changed environment. The criterion for the formation of this level of independence is the presence of a desire to identify the cause of the phenomena, which is manifested in the question «why did I do it». The individual is able to apply knowledge in changed conditions. An indicator of the formation of the level is the ability to perform typical tasks even in the event of certain difficulties. At this level is the formation and achievement of cognitive independence (formation of fixed assets, techniques, skills – methods of cognitive activity and the ability to reproduce and choose to use) as a result of consolidating the mechanisms of complex transferences, conditions for reflexive position. The third level is creative, in which the personality is characterized by a lasting interest and desire not only to understand the essence of the object of study, but also to find a new way to solve the problem, to analyze it. This level is characterized by the desire of the individual to apply knowledge in a new situation, ie to transfer knowledge and means of activity in those conditions that were not yet known. Criteria for assessing the formation of this level is an independent search for a solution to the problem faced by the individual in the process of cognitive and practical activities, attempts to analyze their own activities, causes and consequences of its results. Indicators of this level of independence are the solution of search and cognitive tasks, persistence in achieving the goal, identifying a clear reflective position of the individual. Conclusions. Thus, independence during cognitive activity as an indicator of the formed reflective position is a generalized quality of personality, which is manifested in initiative, critical thinking, adequate self-esteem and a sense of responsibility for their own activities and actions. Prospects for further research. Our further research will be devoted to the identification of effective means of forming independence during cognitive activity, development of technologies for forming a clear reflective position of the student, which effectively influences the personality in the process of forming the culture of its logical thinking and is one of its indicators.
- ДокументInteractive Technologies and Methods of ELT within the Conditions of Digitalization(Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, 2022) Khalabuzar, OksanaThe article is devoted to the peculiarities of the application of interactive technologies and methods in the process of learning English. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the specified methods are necessary for a modern teacher who is able to work mobile and effectively in conditions of digitalization. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to determine the role of interactive technologies that will be useful to the future foreign language teacher.
- ДокументThe Multimedia Content and Interactive Educational Activity as the Ways of Intensification of the Distance Learning(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2021) Khalabuzar, Oksana; Khalabuzar, VolodymyrArticle deals with the burning problems of implementing of the multi-media content in to the educational process within the distant learning. There are given notions of the distant leaning. The authors presented some practical educational tasks which were effectively realized during the educational process.
- ДокументPeculiarities of the Formation of Students’ Business Communication Skills within the Distance Learning(Hindawi. Education Research International, 2023-10) Nagay, Irina; Khalabuzar, Oksana; Alieksieieva, Hanna; Antonenko, Oleksandr; Ovsyannikov, OleksandrThe article deals with the problems of the formation of students’ business communications skills at higher educational institutions. The authors ground the hypothesis that the implementation of nonstandard ways and forms of teaching foreign language provides the increasing of effectiveness of formation of students’ business communicative skills. The goal of research work deals with the theoretical justification and presentation of nonstandard interactive means and forms of educational activity oriented on the formation of business communication skills (BCS) of students within distance learning. Due to the applied qualitative and quantitative methods of research (conducted surveys, experimental research work, data analysis, etc.), it was proved the necessity of implementation of the interactive technologies into the educational process. The authors found out that modern society requires the new generation of specialists who must be educated, professional in their fields, and able to compete within the rapidly changing paradigms of the business systems. For the further implementation by teachers, they are given samples of nonstandard forms of educational activity, certain interactive technologies, instructions, and advice on ways of increasing the effectiveness of BCS. There are described prospects of the further research activity, which will be devoted to the problem of strengthening of BCS.
- ДокументPeculiarities of the planning and conducting esp courses for the military forces(Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 2023) Khalabuzar, OksanaThe article is devoted to the peculiarities of planning and conducting dpecial courses of English languafe which would be oriented on the improvement soldiers’ communicative skills. The author underlines that within modern conditions the security and safety of our country needs a highly-qualified military professionals. Thus, the change should involve the training of the English language teachers, able to plan and conduct ESP (English for Specific Purposes) courses for different purposes, including «English for the Military Forces». The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of the planning and conducting ESP courses for the Military Forces. The obiect of the research work is the author’s written syllabus for the ESP course for the military forces. It is made the stress on the fact that nowadays the Ukrainian army transforms according to NATO standards, which must be resulted in the cooperative international activities. One of the important steps is the training of the soldiers and command staff, able to communicate with foreign collegues in English because it it is necessary for the performance and execution of common combat tasks along with the troops of the Alliance. Mastering English during the planned ESP course gives the carreer opportunities for our soldiers because they will be able to become the world-class class specialists. This could be realised due to the especially planned ESP Courses, which could be conducted on the base of the educational institutions considering the peculiarities of the work with the students within the Multicultural Educational Society. The article contains the author’s syllabus, which includes the content which should be mastered by the soldiers and command staff. The prposed tasks from the ESP course are based on the non-standard methods of teaching military forces including problem-solving methods of teaching, active, creative forms and methods such as the project method, «brainstorming», discussions, the method of podcasts, the associative method, training in collaboration or cooperative learning, sliding, case-study and role-playing games, argumentative essay writing, concept maps, webs, charts, flipped classroom, content and language integrated learning (CLIL) etc.
- ДокументPotential of gamification in english language teaching: key benefits and future directions(Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 2023) Shymanovych, Iryna; Khalabuzar, OksanaThe article focuses on the importance of the gamification aspects, including its motivational and managerial effects, optimization strategies, and modeling techniques. The authors emphasize that both foreign and Ukrainian scientists recognize the significant potential of gamification in the educational process, contributing to its increased effectiveness. According to the authors’ point of view, in a globalized society, learning a foreign language is essential for understanding and interacting with the world around us. Foreign languages play a special role because they are universally used for social, cognitive, and communicative purposes. Establishing an authentic and intrinsic perspective during all phases of foreign language acquisition is of great importance. This motivates scientists to explore new educational impacts, which include using games as a versatile method for learning, cognition, and self-expression. The article aims to highlight the effectiveness of gamification as a universal tool for enhancing the educational process. Many scientists underline that gamification is able to upgrade communicative skills, and they prove that digital games affect students' strategic action, critical thinking, motivation, and metacognition. The new generation requires modern methods and approaches, whereas teachers have to be prepared to work with new terms, ideas, and concepts, taking into account the digitalization of our society. The authors describe the potential of gamification in English language teaching as vast and multifaceted. They suggest such key benefits: enhanced engagement, motivation and interest, contextual learning, immediate feedback, retention and memory, promotion of communication skills, cultivation of critical thinking, reduced anxiety, and long-term engagement. The study demonstrates that gamification stands as a transformative force in English language teaching. Its ability to infuse interactivity and engagement into the learning process has the potential to reshape the way we approach education. According to the authors’ point of view, this innovative approach not only captivates learners but also empowers them to take an active role in their own educational journey, ultimately leading to more profound and enduring language proficiency. Future research on gamification will be devoted to exploring innovative strategies for optimizing its implementation in diverse learning environments.
- ДокументStructural and semantic peculiarities of the phraseological units with the colouring semantics (on the material of the novel «The white dragon» written by Anne McCaffrey)(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2017) Khalabuzar, OksanaIn the article the structural and semantic peculiarities of the phraseological units with the colouring semantics (on the material of the novel “The white dragon” written by Anne McCaffrey) are considered.
- ДокументТеорія та практика перекладу для майбутнього вчителя(Видавничий будинок Мелітопольської міської друкарні, 2021) Khalabuzar, OksanaПропонований інтерактивний посібник містить англомовний лекційний матеріал, методичні рекомендації щодо проведення практичних занять, вправи та список літератури. Зміст лекцій англійською мовою містить відомості щодо загальнотеоретичних основ перекладу, класифікації видів перекладу, засобів адекватного перекладу різних мовних одиниць, понять і явищ англійської мови українською; принципів та плану аналізу лексико-граматичних трансформацій у спеціальних текстах професійної тематики; лексико-граматичних питань перекладу. Запропоновані матеріали мають посилання на актуальні ресурси мережі Інтернет, що надає студентам можливість для самоосвіти. Посібник має інформативну теоретичну складову та завдання, вправи, орієнтовані на формування та удосконалення навичок перекладу. Залежно від рівня підготовки завдання можуть виконуватися під керівництвом викладача або пропонуватися ним для самостійної роботи студентів. Передбачено активізацію діяльності студентів, орієнтовану на удосконалення знань та вмінь; завдання відповідно до змісту та проблематики супроводжуються добором вправ і завдань, активних посилань на джерела мережі Інтернет, Qrcodes, які розвивають комунікативні уміння, необхідні в умовах інформатизованого суспільства.