Перегляд за Автор "Onyshchenko, Serhii "
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- ДокументAcademic mobility of students of the specialty «Professional education. Energy» in the conditions of multi-level education(DEL a.s., 2022-10) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe current stage of development of higher professional education in Ukraine is connected with the processes of entering the modern education system into the European educational space, while preserving its nationally specific and cultural priorities. The crisis conditions of the development of Ukraine today, including the sphere of higher education, could not help but affect the contradictions that actualize educational approaches to teaching and education of students in institutions of higher education. Historically, educational priorities are expressed through the prism of socio-political and socio-industrial relations. The situation of formation of educational priorities has now ceased to be an exception in this sense and consists, in this way, of such phenomena as the lack of an adequate number of jobs for young professionals, the regional lack of demand for a number of specialties, the underdevelopment of the production infrastructure in a number of industries. In this regard, domestic universities are oriented in their educational activities to solving the problem of bringing the quality of higher education into line with the needs and modern level of development of production and economy.
- ДокументAnalysis and prospects for training UAVs pilots in the system of professional training of future engineers-teachers of energy and technological fields(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe article considers the prospects for using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), describes programs that promote development and problems that hinder the use of UAVs in the system of professional training of future engineers-teachers of energy and technology industries. The article also considers the issue of improving the practical skills of UAV control of future engineers-teachers of energy and technology industries due to the capabilities of the information and educational environment, which is one of the priority areas, according to the requirements of the modern educational standard. The methods of analysis, observation, experiment, systematization, statistical processing was used.
- ДокументBasic Information and Computer Competence Required for a Modern Energy Engineer(DEL a.s., 2023-03-29) Onyshchenko, SerhiiA characteristic feature of the modern information society is the widespread use of the powerful potential of information and communication technologies, the creation of a single world information space that provides wide access to information and the production of various information resources. Therefore, one of the priorities of the higher education system is the training of a competitive professional with a high level of competence in his field, an integral part of which is the ability to productively use information and communication technologies in professional activities.
- ДокументConcept of design and application of mechatronic systems in modern mechanical engineering(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2024-05) Bezhan, Maksym; Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe rapid development of mechatronics is caused by sharply increased market demands for consumer properties and quality of modern mechanical engineering products. It is this factor that determines current development trends in the field of mechatronics.
- ДокументConstruction of mechatronic modules based on synergetic integration of elements(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2024-05) Khatsko, Anna; Onyshchenko, SerhiiMechatronic modules are the basic functional components of mechatronic systems and machines with computer control, designed to perform movements, as a rule, along one controlled coordinate.
- ДокументDesign of mechatronic industrial systems(DEL c.z., 2023-10-20) Onyshchenko, SerhiiToday, thanks to the wide application of the results of research on mechatronics in industry, it is possible to define industrial mechatronics as a special direction of development of this field of science. It is devoted to the analysis of problems of connection and organization of interaction of industrial electromechanical, electronic nodes, aggregates and information devices in the process of operation and direct movement of the mechatronic system in order to obtain a synergistic effect.
- ДокументDevelopment of scientific and educational system: European vector – 2023(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023-10) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Lisovska, Lidiya; Karyy, Oleh; Gvozd, Maryana; Miroshnyk, Roman; Bahlai, Iryna; Wang, Yixuan; Marynchenko, Inna; Meish, Yuliia; Meish, Mariia; Vasylyuk, Sofiya; Monka, Nataliya; Franiv, Ihor; Morozov, OlegThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументDevelopment of scientific and educational system: European vector – 2024(NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Makhnachova, Natalia; Bondar, Vita; Gryniv, Tetiana; Skybinska, Zoryana; Podakov, Yevgeny; Kozychar, Mykhailo; Kostruba, Nataliia; Morozov, Oleg; Strukulenko, Anastasia; Onyshchenko, Serhii; Zhyhir, Victoriia; Antonenko, OleksandrThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументDevelopment of world energy(DEL a.s., 2022-12-26) Onyshchenko, SerhiiCurrently, the problem of uninterrupted provision of the economies of the countries of the world with cheap energy resources is acute. The price of oil, natural gas, hard coal and brown coal on the world market continues to rise. The development of nuclear energy is limited by the need to increase the safety of nuclear reactors, and the problems of burying nuclear fuel cycle waste. An alternative to fuel energy resources could be renewable energy sources - an almost unlimited source of energy. The problems of their mass application are related to the complexity of forecasting the work and the need to build large plants for collecting scattered energy. Currently, they cannot displace fuel resources
- ДокументDistance education in Ukraine during martial law and coronavirus infection СOVID-19 in the world(DEL a.s., 2022-04-30) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection in the world and the martial law in Ukraine have made radical changes in all spheres of life. Under the difficult living conditions of today, distance learning has become a universal solution to the problem of the format of the educational process, the main principle of which is interactive interaction between the subjects of educational services. Distance education, despite several decades of its development, has been quite active in our lives recently, in conditions of quarantine and martial law. If earlier it was said that the use of distance learning provides, above all, unsurpassed (compared to other forms of learning) speed of updating knowledge with the support of information resources selected by students from global and domestic electronic information networks, in Ukraine today distance learning education is the only form of ensuring the whole educational process.
- ДокументEducational quest as an innovative tool for studying nanotechnologies in specialty 015 «Professional education. Energy»(DEL a.s., 2022-11) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe need to quickly navigate the ever-accelerating information flow, quickly make decisions and organize their implementation leads to a new social order in education. The rapid change of technologies requires a corresponding restructuring of the direction of the work of workers, who, during their working life, must change their field of activity 4-5 times, receiving high qualifications, in order to implement new high technologies. Hence the need for continuous technological education of people. In the direction of updating the content of education, the following can be noted: the rapid development of high technologies and the need for specialists in the field of high technologies dictate, in turn, the need to adjust the content of the subject area "Professional education", filling it with the basic concepts from the disciplines of the natural science cycle, thereby forming the cognitive interest of students in fundamentals of sciences and developing an innovative type of technological thinking.
- ДокументElectromechatronic complexes and modules(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023-10) Onyshchenko, SerhiiModular systems of electromechatronic complexes consist of a mechanical part, a drive (mainly electromechanical) part, as well as a control system. The electromechanical drive part consists of an electric motor and an electronic power converter that converts the electrical energy consumed from the source (power supply system) into a form suitable for powering the motor windings. It is through this converter that the speed, effort and position of the engine shaft and, ultimately, the working body are controlled.
- ДокументEnd-to-end programs of classes for energy profile students during internship at energy enterprises(DEL c.z., 2024-03-27) Onyshchenko, SerhiiAs an example, we will give an end-to-end program of classes for students of specialty 015.33 Professional education (Power engineering, electrical engineering and electrical engineering) at energy enterprises in Ukraine during their university studies, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of training of specialists by studying by students the operating modes and features of the operation of modern high-voltage electrical equipment directly at production. Participation in the training of students by highly qualified specialists from energy system enterprises will help solve the problem of the quality of teaching energy disciplines.
- ДокументEuropean vector of modern education, science and production – 2024(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Donchak, Lesya; Martusenko, Iryna; Boikivska, Halyna; Odrekhivskyi, Mykola; Phsyk-Kovalska, Orusia; Koval, Zoriana; Kara, Natalia; Penhryn, Sviatoslav; Hryniv, Nataliya; Danylovych, Taras; Borysenko, Nadiia; Dmytrenko, Alina; Nikitina, Olena; Lukaniova, Liudmyla; Tsys, Dmytro; Khoruzhenko, TetianaThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументFormation of ICT-competence of the future specialist in the energy industry in the conditions of informatization of education (distance education)(House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe section of the collective monograph is dedicated to the study of the existing experience in the creation and use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the higher school, the possibilities of their application for the formation of the professional competence of the future specialist in the energy profile are considered. The method of organizing professional training of energy specialists for the effective use of information and communication technologies in professional activities is proposed. The section of the collective monograph is a generalization of work experience in the use of ICT in teaching the disciplines of the energy cycle. The lack of illustrative material on energy cycle disciplines in higher education is solved by using multimedia equipment. Therefore, the main purpose of using ICT in the educational process is to stimulate and support the interest of students in mastering the disciplines of the energy cycle. The organization of the educational process with the use of multimedia tools during the study of the energy cycle disciplines can become more progressive in the sense that analytical, practical and experimental learning principles will be widely applied, which will allow the entire educational process to be oriented to each individual student. Examples of the use of various multimedia resources in classes are described. The significance of the use of ICT in teaching energy cycle disciplines is revealed.
- ДокументFormation of professional pedagogical information competence bachelor of specialty 015 «Professional education. Energy»(DEL a.s., 2023) Onyshchenko, SerhiiCurrently, the basis of the content of professional education is the competency approach. Two groups of competencies are distinguished: general (universal) and professional (subject-specialized). Professional competence assumes that a specialist has knowledge and experience in the field of his professional activity.
- ДокументICT-competence of a modern teacher of energy disciplines(DEL a.s., 2023-04-29) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe problem of professional competence of modern pedagogical personnel in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT-competence) is relevant both in pedagogical theory and in the practice of education. In recent years, the concept of ICT-competence is often used in scientific and pedagogical literature and regulatory and management documents in connection with the increasing importance of ICT in the functioning of the education system and distance education in general. Wide use of information and communication technologies form a demand for the renewal of the information and educational environment of higher education institutions, as well as the effective use of its resources.
- ДокументImplementation of studying the section “Mechatronic Modules” into the course “Hydraulics”(DEL c.z., 2024-02-27) Onyshchenko, SerhiiWhen introducing the study of the “Mechatronic Modules” section into the “Hydraulics” course, it is necessary to consider the methods of mechatronics, automatic control theory, gas dynamics, theory of electro-pneumatic and hydraulic systems, linear algebra, mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, mathematical processing of experimental data, electrical engineering and microelectronics.
- ДокументInnovative activity: problems and opportunities(DEL a.s., 2023-05-30) Onyshchenko, SerhiiIn our research, we consider the current problems and prospects of innovative activity. Innovative activity occupies a special place in the information society. The use of innovative activities in the educational process significantly increases its effectiveness. However, there are a number of problems that complicate the process of innovative activity.
- ДокументIntegrated use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources in the electrical networks of Ukraine(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2022) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe world community considers the use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources as one of the most promising ways to solve the growing problems of energy conservation. The presence of an inexhaustible resource base and ecological purity of non-traditional renewable energy sources are their defining advantages in the conditions of depletion of organic fuel resources and growing rates of environmental pollution. The paper analyzes the state and prospects for the development of alternative energy in the world and in Ukraine, and conducts research on the specifics of using renewable energy from the sun, wind, and water