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Результатів на сторінці
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- ДокументAnalysis and prospects for training UAVs pilots in the system of professional training of future engineers-teachers of energy and technological fields(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe article considers the prospects for using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), describes programs that promote development and problems that hinder the use of UAVs in the system of professional training of future engineers-teachers of energy and technology industries. The article also considers the issue of improving the practical skills of UAV control of future engineers-teachers of energy and technology industries due to the capabilities of the information and educational environment, which is one of the priority areas, according to the requirements of the modern educational standard. The methods of analysis, observation, experiment, systematization, statistical processing was used.
- ДокументArtistic and aesthetic worldview of future musik teachers: the structure of the phenomenon(ScientificWorld-NetAkhatAV, 2021) Hryhorieva, Victoriia; Omelchenko, AnettaAttention to the process of training art professionals is associated with the problem of its compliance with modern requirements, especially the standards of general secondary education institutions. The complexity and versatility of educational and training activities of art teachers in general secondary education institutions necessitate a significant update of the content of their professional training, the introduction of new forms and technologies. An art lesson is a lesson in anthropology, immersion in the fantastic world of arts, the essence of which is to appeal to person as a bearer of creative nature and its development, the content of the learning process with vivid feelings, vivid artistic images, intellectual and emotional components of cultural epochs and styles, on the basis of which the experience of dialogical artistic and aesthetic cognition of the world is gained. Naturally, an important role in this process is given to the development of artistic and aesthetic worldview of students of art education, aimed at understanding the holistic picture of the world embodied in culture and art, the formation of teachers’ systematic methodological artistic thinking. In this perspective, the problem of spreading universally significant (universally important) worldviews, active, humanistically oriented, creative worldview becomes relevant.
- ДокументBYOD technology as an instrument of modernization of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists)(Baltija Publishing, 2023-07-25) Herasymenko, YuliiaThe study of the use of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) showed that it is an important component of technological transformation and obviously leads to the modernization of education process in the institutions of higher education. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of implementation of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) and to show its advantages for the modernization of educational process despite the topicality of the research problem in modern pedagogical science. The research methodology is based on theoretical and empirical methods like literature review, analysis and synthesis, deductive and inductive analysis, systematization of theory and practice of the pedagogical problem, observation and interviewing of the participants of educational process. The results of the study show that BYOD helps to solve one of the most essential educational problems that deals with providing institutions of higher education with modern alternative infrastructure and equipment. In addition, it contributes to solution of actual pedagogical and psychological problems regarding personality development and formation of professional competency. The article states that the main principle of BYOD in education concerns the fact that teachers and administration of educational institution do not ban students bringing their devices and use them in the classroom, but they actually encourage it. The reason for the wider acceptance of BYOD technology in the institutions is that the most students own their personal devices and may freely use them in the classroom to carry out educational activities or search necessary information. During the research we found that designing of innovative educational environment for formation of professional competency of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) with the use of BYOD technology takes place in five dimensions: professional, technological, individual, communicative, contextual, and organizational. At the same time, scientists differentiate five applicable BYOD models in the institutions of higher education: institution-provided laptop (tablet), institution-provided laptop together with another device, institution-provided multi-platform device, student-owned laptop(tablet), student-owned any device that is able to connect to the Internet. The study shows that combining different BYOD models in the classroom and during individual work to enhance the efficiency of the educational process. On the basis of literature analysis, we found that BYOD concept can be effectively implemented at the institutions of higher education within the flipped classroom technology. This technology is especially efficient for training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) as it significantly contributes to realization of student- 104 centered approach and introduction of self-paced learning. Also, students may practice foreign language skills, improve technological readiness, and learn how to apply innovative solutions in decision-making. The study states that BYOD technology in the process of training of future specialists is implemented in four different stages: dissemination, practice, assessment or feedback, and result. The results show that a number of applications are used in different stages of implementation of BYOD technology. In addition, the authors analyzed the advantages of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists) and elaborated a number of recommendations to implement the technology successfully in the context of modernization of educational process and enhance the formation of students’ professional competency. Practical implementation of the research concerns the possibility to improve the use of BYOD technology in the process of training of future English language teachers (future foreign philologists). The recommendations may be valuable to the researchers who study the problems of digitalization of educational process, teachers in different educational institutions, and future instructors or philologists who need to improve their technological skills and orient successfully in innovative educational environment.
- ДокументDevelopment of scientific and educational system: European vector – 2023(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023-10) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Lisovska, Lidiya; Karyy, Oleh; Gvozd, Maryana; Miroshnyk, Roman; Bahlai, Iryna; Wang, Yixuan; Marynchenko, Inna; Meish, Yuliia; Meish, Mariia; Vasylyuk, Sofiya; Monka, Nataliya; Franiv, Ihor; Morozov, OlegThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументDevelopment of scientific and educational system: European vector – 2024(NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Makhnachova, Natalia; Bondar, Vita; Gryniv, Tetiana; Skybinska, Zoryana; Podakov, Yevgeny; Kozychar, Mykhailo; Kostruba, Nataliia; Morozov, Oleg; Strukulenko, Anastasia; Onyshchenko, Serhii; Zhyhir, Victoriia; Antonenko, OleksandrThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументDistance Technologies of the Creative Abilities Development as the Component of the Process of Formation Soft Skills(London : B P International, 2022) Alieksieieva, Hanna; Kravchenko, Nataliia; Horbatiuk, Larysa; Zhyhir, Viktoriia; Chernieha, OlenaThe work is dedicated to the problem of developing the creative abilities of students as a component of soft skills. The model of formation of the creative professional potential of future specialists is proposed. To describe the conceptual model, the methodology of functional modeling within the graphical notation IDEF0 is used. For the construction of creative abilities during distance learning, it is advisable to use systems of education management, to use cloudtechnologies, systems of videoconferences’ organization, and messengers. The experience of the formation of the creative professional potential of students of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University with the help of distance learning is described.
- ДокументElectromechatronic complexes and modules(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023-10) Onyshchenko, SerhiiModular systems of electromechatronic complexes consist of a mechanical part, a drive (mainly electromechanical) part, as well as a control system. The electromechanical drive part consists of an electric motor and an electronic power converter that converts the electrical energy consumed from the source (power supply system) into a form suitable for powering the motor windings. It is through this converter that the speed, effort and position of the engine shaft and, ultimately, the working body are controlled.
- ДокументEuropean vector of modern education, science and production – 2024(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Donchak, Lesya; Martusenko, Iryna; Boikivska, Halyna; Odrekhivskyi, Mykola; Phsyk-Kovalska, Orusia; Koval, Zoriana; Kara, Natalia; Penhryn, Sviatoslav; Hryniv, Nataliya; Danylovych, Taras; Borysenko, Nadiia; Dmytrenko, Alina; Nikitina, Olena; Lukaniova, Liudmyla; Tsys, Dmytro; Khoruzhenko, TetianaThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументFormation of ICT-competence of the future specialist in the energy industry in the conditions of informatization of education (distance education)(House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe section of the collective monograph is dedicated to the study of the existing experience in the creation and use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of the higher school, the possibilities of their application for the formation of the professional competence of the future specialist in the energy profile are considered. The method of organizing professional training of energy specialists for the effective use of information and communication technologies in professional activities is proposed. The section of the collective monograph is a generalization of work experience in the use of ICT in teaching the disciplines of the energy cycle. The lack of illustrative material on energy cycle disciplines in higher education is solved by using multimedia equipment. Therefore, the main purpose of using ICT in the educational process is to stimulate and support the interest of students in mastering the disciplines of the energy cycle. The organization of the educational process with the use of multimedia tools during the study of the energy cycle disciplines can become more progressive in the sense that analytical, practical and experimental learning principles will be widely applied, which will allow the entire educational process to be oriented to each individual student. Examples of the use of various multimedia resources in classes are described. The significance of the use of ICT in teaching energy cycle disciplines is revealed.
- ДокументImplementation of the kanban methodology in the teaching of web technologies for senior students(Katowice : Publishing House of Katowice School of Technology, 2022) Shchetynina, Olha; Horbatiuk, Larysa; Alieksieieva, Hanna; Kravchenko, NataliiaБурхливий зріст можливостей, що надають інформаційні технології, має значний вплив на освіту, зокрема, дистанційну, яка в сучасних умовах набула особливої актуальності. Вимушений перехід до віддаленого навчання відбувся ще у 2020 році, у зв’язку з пандемією COVID-19, і продовжився через повномасштабне вторгнення Росії в Україну 24 лютого 2022 року. В обставинах військової агресії, усвідомлюючи надзвичайну важливість надання повноцінної освіти та всебічної підтримки дітям – майбутнім гідним представникам української нації, педагоги продовжують пошук нових засобів передачі знань та формування компетентностей, новітніх методів навчання і виховання учнів, чимало з яких постраждали внаслідок війни, таким чином об’єднуючись у свій «освітній фронт». Сьогодні успішний випускник закладу середньої освіти – це високоосвічена, всебічно розвинена особистість, яка здатна до творчого мислення, самостійного вирішення проблем, вирішення нестандартних завдань, готова до командної взаємодії та продуктивної співпраці. Здатність учня адаптуватися до змін у навколишньому світі, швидко вчитися та освоювати нові вміння та навички робить його в майбутньому конкурентоспроможним на ринку праці. Саме це робить ідею навчання впродовж життя або вміння вчитися однією з ключових компетентностей, якими має володіти випускник для того, щоб знайти шлях до самовираження та успішної реалізації себе в житті. Формування навичок навчання впродовж життя відбувається за підтримки мотивації до постійного навчання, забезпечення доступу до навчання представникам усіх поколінь, використання різних стилів навчання та інновацій у навчально-виховному процесі, використання особистісно-орієнтованих інструментів навчання.
- ДокументIntegrated use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources in the electrical networks of Ukraine(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2022) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe world community considers the use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources as one of the most promising ways to solve the growing problems of energy conservation. The presence of an inexhaustible resource base and ecological purity of non-traditional renewable energy sources are their defining advantages in the conditions of depletion of organic fuel resources and growing rates of environmental pollution. The paper analyzes the state and prospects for the development of alternative energy in the world and in Ukraine, and conducts research on the specifics of using renewable energy from the sun, wind, and water
- ДокументInternational cooperation between Poland and Ukraine in higher education: case study(Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2023) Ostenda, Aleksander; Liannoi, Mykhailo; Makarenko, TamaraВища освіта в Україні та Польщі активно розвиває міжнародну співпрацю. Ця співпраця сприяє обміну науковим досвідом та культурним збагаченням між вишами обох країн. Через такі проекти студенти та викладачі мають унікальну можливість для спільних досліджень та навчання.
- ДокументThe latest foundations for the development of production, science and education – 2024(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Marchenko, Oksana; Postol, Anatolii; Salnikova, Maryna; Podra, Olha; Petryshyn, Nataliia; Todoshchuk, Andrii; Koval, Zoriana; Kara, Nataliia; Protsyk, Iryna; Marmul, Larisa; Podakov, Yevgeny; Hromova, Nataliia; Hordii, NinaThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументMechatronic technological systems: design concept and application in modern mechanical engineering(Publishing House : NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024-05) Onyshchenko, SerhiiMechatronics is a new field of science and technology dedicated to the creation and operation of machines and systems with computer motion control, which is based on knowledge in the field of mechanics, electronics and microprocessor technology, computer science and computer control of the motion of machines and assemblies. Mechatronics - studies the synergistic combination of precision mechanics units with electronic, electrical and computer components for the purpose of designing and manufacturing qualitatively new modules, machines, systems and machine complexes with intelligent control with their functional movements.
- ДокументMechatronics in mechanical engineering(Publishing House “The company “DEL c.z.””, 2023-12) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe priority direction of the development of science and technology at the current level is the development, creation and implementation of new generation mechatronic systems in the machine-building industry. Fundamental theoretical and experimental studies are needed to increase the effectiveness of research and development work in the direction of creating mechatronic systems and complexes used in mechanical engineering. They were held at the Department of Vocational Education, Labor Training and Technologies of the Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. The main results of the research are presented in this monograph.
- ДокументModern conditions of development of science, education and production in the world – 2023(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Khanas, Uliana; Hnatuk, Anastasia; Melnyk, Nadiia; Melnyk, Andrii; Sprynska, Zoriana; Revt, Alla; Titarenko, Svitlana; Yixuan, WangThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументModern Conditions of Development of Science, Education and Production in the World – 2024(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2024-08) Nakonechna, Taisiia; Mashchak, Nataliia; Vasyltsiv, Nadiia; Kichura, Dariia; Sobechko, Iryna; Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.
- ДокументPerpetuum mobile дитячої літератури: типологія традиційних образів дитини-бешкетника(ЛАНДОН-ХХІ, 2013) Салюк, Богдана АнатоліївнаМонографія присвячена типології традиційних образів дитини-бешкетника у дитячій літературі, висвітлює питання ґенези цих персонажів, специфіки їх функціонування у літературних і культурних ареалах. Видання адресоване літературознавцям, викладачам, аспірантам, студентам-філологам, а також усім, хто цікавиться дитячою літературою.
- ДокументPrinciples development of modules mechatronic systems(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023-12) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe main concept of electromechatronic systems is to harmonize the design principles of physically disparate components of mechanical and electrical systems. The joint functioning of such systems and their subsystems makes it possible to ensure the necessary parameters and characteristics of machines and mechanisms already at the early stages of design. This approach requires a developed system of automated design and control and consists of software modules of automated formation, the study of mathematical models of the dynamics of both machines in general and their individual functional parts. On the basis of the created electromechatronic systems and subsystems, promising methods of their diagnosis are being developed, which contribute to the creation of modern automated structures that have wide possibilities and interchangeability of elements. In general, mechatronics is related to practice and technical progress, which is due to the knowledge and skills of specialists and their engineering intuition.
- ДокументPromising Scientific Achievements in Science, Education and Production – 2023(Publishing House NES Nová Dubnica s.r.o., 2023-12) Onyshchenko, Serhii; Kalynovskyi, Andrii; Synyutka, Nataliya; Shandrivska, Olena; Hryniv, Nataliya; Mozul, Iryna; Shevel, BorysThe collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society.