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- ДокументAcademic mobility of students of the specialty «Professional education. Energy» in the conditions of multi-level education(DEL a.s., 2022-10) Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe current stage of development of higher professional education in Ukraine is connected with the processes of entering the modern education system into the European educational space, while preserving its nationally specific and cultural priorities. The crisis conditions of the development of Ukraine today, including the sphere of higher education, could not help but affect the contradictions that actualize educational approaches to teaching and education of students in institutions of higher education. Historically, educational priorities are expressed through the prism of socio-political and socio-industrial relations. The situation of formation of educational priorities has now ceased to be an exception in this sense and consists, in this way, of such phenomena as the lack of an adequate number of jobs for young professionals, the regional lack of demand for a number of specialties, the underdevelopment of the production infrastructure in a number of industries. In this regard, domestic universities are oriented in their educational activities to solving the problem of bringing the quality of higher education into line with the needs and modern level of development of production and economy.
- ДокументAnglicisms in the message communication of the Ukrainians: language globalization or degradation?(Kharkiv : O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Econоmy, 2021) Shymanovych, Irina; Nikolaienko, KseniiaAnglicisms in the message-communication of Ukrainian youth are a consequence of linguistic globalization and a worrying sign of the degradation of the Ukrainian language in the possible future
- ДокументÄquivalenz von Einheiten unterschiedlicher Ebenen : der formale Aspekt verknüpfter Konstruktionen und Hauptsätze in der modernen ukrainischen Sprache(Verlag Otto Sagner, München – Berlin – Washington, D.C., 2013) Bohdan, ValerijThe paper focuses on similar and distinctive, obligatory and optional peculiarities of the formal organization of adjoining constructions and composite sentences. The classification of adjoined parts in adjoining constructions is expanded. Structurally, the adjoining constructions and composite sentences are considered to be equivalent units at different syntactic levels. У роботі розглянуті схожі й відмінні, облігаторні й факультативні риси формальної організації приєднувальних конструкцій і складних речень. Розширена класифікація приєднувальних частин у приєднувальних конструкціях, запропоновані критерії відмежування приєднувальних конструкцій від інших складних синтаксичних одиниць. Зроблено висновок про еквівалентність різнорівневих одиниць – приєднувальних конструкцій і складних речень – з погляду їх стройових основ.
- ДокументAuthentic literaty texts as a means of forming foreign language speaking competence at English lessons(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2022) Dubrova, OksanaNowadays Ukraine is witnessing the implementation of an updated strategic course in the field of education, aimed at improving the professional training of future secondary school teachers, who not only have a perfect knowledge of a foreign language, but also know how to use it as a tool in the dialogue between cultures and civilizations of the modern world. Achieving this goal involves the formation of sociocultural competence as a component of the general foreign language communicative competence of students by means of a foreign language for their preparation to intercultural communication in various spheres of life: personal, professional, educational, public. The use of authentic texts, which are an important source of information, can contribute to the formation of sociocultural competence which is one of the components of the general foreign language communicative competence of secondary school students - real professionals and users of a foreign language.
- ДокументBasic Information and Computer Competence Required for a Modern Energy Engineer(DEL a.s., 2023-03-29) Onyshchenko, SerhiiA characteristic feature of the modern information society is the widespread use of the powerful potential of information and communication technologies, the creation of a single world information space that provides wide access to information and the production of various information resources. Therefore, one of the priorities of the higher education system is the training of a competitive professional with a high level of competence in his field, an integral part of which is the ability to productively use information and communication technologies in professional activities.
- ДокументCANVA як інструмент ефективної візуалізації навчального матеріалу з мовної та літературної освіти(Tampere, Finland : Scholarly Publisher ICSSH, 2024) Непейпиво, Валерія; Алєксєєва, Ганна Миколаївна; Овсянніков, Олександр СергійовичВикористання програм для створення презентацій в процесі ефективної візуалізації навчального матеріалу з мовної та літературної освіти становить важливу частину сучасного професійного та навчального середовища. У зв’язку з швидким розвитком технологій та зростанням вимог до професійного навчання програма Canva стає дедалі популярнішою серед користувачів, зокрема здобувачів факультету філології та соціальних комунікацій.
- ДокументCharacterization of barriers to be overcome in the formation of information and communication competence of a future specialist(London, United Kingdom, 2024) Khatuntseva, Svіtlana; Glazkova, IrynaThe paper describes the barriers that need to be overcome in the formation of information and communication competence of future specialists. This article examines the characteristics of the barriers that arise in the process of forming the information and communication competence of future specialists. The authors emphasize the difficulties that need to be overcome and are determined by specific situations when a specialist understands a pedagogical task but does not know how to solve it, or when the result does not meet his or her expectations. The article also considers anti-innovation barriers that arise when implementing information and communication technologies and highlights the role of psychological barriers in shaping the professional activities of future specialists. Approaches to overcoming these barriers and their impact on the process of learning and development of information and communication competence are analyzed. The peculiarities of teachers' behavior in the implementation of innovations, formation and development of information and communication competence are highlighted. Anti-innovation barriers are described. The article characterizes the classification of external and internal barriers, taking into account various aspects, such as social, organizational, methodological, material and technical, individual psychological, age characteristics, and personal qualities. A psychological barrier is an obstacle that a person experiences, showing emotional reactions that can stimulate activity or lead to a temporary decrease in activity. It is emphasized that the barrier includes reserves for stimulation and activation of activity. The teacher's professional activity is affected by this barrier at different stages, including the period of adaptation and the period of professional burnout after a long teaching career. It is noted that the main idea of any barrier is that it limits and hinders both external and internal activity of a person during his/her life. These restrictions can simultaneously block different aspects of life. The article describes the following barriers: social, organizational, methodological, material and technical, motivational, which are manifested in the lack of sustainable internal motivation to master information and communication competence. The motivational barrier depends on the nature of motivation, intensity of motivation, internal motives (needs, motives), which depend on the cognitive needs of the subject, satisfaction from the process of cognition and realization of one's own personal potential, and they underlie the behavior and professional activities of people, which in turn affects the intensity of emotional processes, the sharpness of reaction to situations and developments, as well as intellectual processes. Among the barriers are the following: unmet needs for cognition, loss of interest in work or study, divergence of desires, barriers of character, temperament, self-esteem, evaluation by others, emotional state, barriers of speech, guidance (often negative), as well as communication techniques and skills, barriers to self-knowledge and self-improvement. It is emphasized that intellectual barriers are related to the peculiarities of the professional mentality of the teacher. It is concluded that novice teachers lack orientation in a large amount of information and may experience fear of failure. This can be manifested in the refusal of new skills, lack of teaching methods using information and communication competence. Sensory barriers arise due to the peculiarities of people's perception, such as visual and kinesthetic limitations and cognitive style. They are manifested in difficulties in quickly adapting to new conditions of receiving information, such as reading from a vertical plane, limiting the field of view to the size of the screen, and manipulating unrealistic objects.
- ДокументCloud technologies in support of university students’ independent study(2020) Pavlenko, Liliia; Pavlenko, Maksym; Khomenko, VitaliiScientific and technological progress, the changes taking place in the information orientation of society, necessitate not only the improvement of the higher education content, but also the creation of conditions under which the education system will be able to adapt quickly to any changes. Teachers have developed a large number of educational Internet resources. Online distance education courses are published on the Internet; students are attracted to selfeducation through the use of mass open online courses. However, most students still remain passive in organizing their own independent learning activities. They cannot organize their time, personal goals are often changed, and planning their own activities is unrealistic. The training of future specialists is not possible without self-study activities, which is one of the main factors in the ability to work independently, organize and plan their own practical activities. This is due to the fact that only in the process of independent cognitive activity students develop the skills of using knowledge in practice. Support of students' independent activity should cover the following educational tasks: processing of electronic documents, preparation of scientific and technical reports and documentation; solving computational problems of different complexity; joint work, search and exchange of scientific and technical data; designing algorithms and programming; work with databases; modeling and designing for the solution of experimental and practical tasks in the field of professional activity Cloud services that are used for support of independent work can be divided into the following categories: – storage of educational materials (YouTube, Google Drive, Docs, Presentations, CMS Wordpress); – communication (Gmail, Google Groups); – self-learning activity tool (Google Calendar); – practical independent activity (Google Drive, Docs, Presentations, Tables, Forms, etc.) The main tool for organizing an independent learning activity using cloud-based technologies is the Google Calendar service. Thanks to it, it is possible to implement all organizational measures for planning, conducting, performing various types of independent work of students, ensuring timely performing of tasks and drawing up reports. Electronic calendar and integration of its elements in the educational site ensure the proper functioning of informational and methodological support of students’ independent study.
- ДокументCommon and Distinctive Features of Complex Syntactic Units and Composite Sentences(Видавничий будинок Мелітопольської міської друкарні, 2018) Bohdan, ValeriiThe paper compares composite sentences and adjoining constructions with the adjoining connective words, which are homonymous to coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. For the first time the adjoined parts that are equal in importance to base utterances not only semantically but also formally (i. e. those that are structurally integral elements of adjoining constructions) were singled out.
- ДокументComplex Syntactic Units v. Composite Sentences: the Problem of Correspondence(Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 2016) Bohdan, ValeriiThe paper focuses on similar and distinctive, obligatory and optional peculiarities of formal organization of non-elementary adjoining constructions and complex sentences. The conclusion is made that non-elementary adjoining constructions can realize practically all the models of arrangement and all the semantic and syntactic relations that are characteristic of non-elementary complex sentences. Adjoining constructions and complex sentences have equivalent structures, but in the text hierarchy they are on different syntactic levels − a textual and a sentence level respectively.
- ДокументConcept of design and application of mechatronic systems in modern mechanical engineering(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2024-05) Bezhan, Maksym; Onyshchenko, SerhiiThe rapid development of mechatronics is caused by sharply increased market demands for consumer properties and quality of modern mechanical engineering products. It is this factor that determines current development trends in the field of mechatronics.
- ДокументConstruction of mechatronic modules based on synergetic integration of elements(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2024-05) Khatsko, Anna; Onyshchenko, SerhiiMechatronic modules are the basic functional components of mechatronic systems and machines with computer control, designed to perform movements, as a rule, along one controlled coordinate.
- ДокументContent and language integrated learning as a means of encouraging students’ motivation at English classes(Бердянський державний педагогічний університет, 2022) Shymanovych, IrynaContent and language integrated learning is considered as a new methodological approach that has become the centre of attention in ELT community in Ukraine as well as in the world. Content and language integrated learning supports combining the academic content of non-linguistic subjects with a foreign language, which promotes gaining content knowledge and using the target language at the same time. It involves methodological techniques and strategies which instead of dealing particularly with teaching of the language itself, motivates teachers and students to use the language as a means of communication. In this way this approach promotes language and content development in the process.
- ДокументCoogle Classroom як засіб здійснення електронного дистанційного навчання студентів закладів вищої освіти(Мелітополь : Видавничий будинок Мелітопольської міської друкарні, 2020) Чемоніна, Лада В’ячеславівна2019–2020 навчальний рік можна вважати переламним щодо організації освітнього процесу і в Україні, й у світі в цілому. Так, необхідність створення безпечної взаємодії студентів і викладачів ЗВО через розповсюдження COVID-19 спричинила активне впровадження дистанційної форми навчання. Дистанційне навчання – це форма організації та реалізації освітнього процесу, за якої його учасники здійснюють навчальну взаємодію принципово й переважно екстериторіально (на відстані, яка не дозволяє і не передбачає безпосередню навчальну взаємодію учасників віч-на-віч, коли суб’єкти територіально перебувають за межами можливої безпосередньої навчальної взаємодії та в процесі навчання їх особиста присутність у навчальних приміщеннях закладу освіти не є обов’язковою.
- ДокументCurrent issues of science(DEL a.s., 2023-04-29) Онищенко, Сергій Вікторович; Демиденко, Олександр; Овчаренко, Тетяна; Сенченко, Анастасія; Боровець, Олена; Шворак, Наталія; Чаєнко, Олена; Ворошилов, Олександр; Іванісова, НаталіяThe collection includes materials of the IV International Research and Practical Internet Conference "Current issues of science". The materials of the collection will be useful for researchers, scientists, graduate students, researchers, teachers, students
- ДокументCurrent issues of science(DEL c.z., 2024-04) Онищенко, Сергій Вікторович; Старушко, Тетяна Іванівна; Остапченко, Людмила Володимирівна; Бондар, Богдан Юрійович; Березанська, Ірина Михайлівна; Волошин, Максим Ігорович; Марков, Андрій Миколайович; Мельничук, Олег Анатолійович; Гнатовська, Катерина Сергіївна; Марущак, Оксана Василівна; Заблоцька, Валентина Андріївна; Лиховид, Єлизавета Сергіївна; Цуканова, Наталія Миколаївна; Пузікова, Анна Валентинівна; Демідова, Оксана Миколаївна; Смирнова-Давлад, Наталія Вадимівна; Толстиков, Ігор РуслановичThe collection includes materials of the V International research and practical internet conference "Current issues of science". The materials of the collection will be useful for researchers, scientists, graduate students, researchers, teachers, students.
- ДокументCоціально-педагогічна робота з творчими неформальними молодіжними об’єднаннями(ФОП Бондаренко М. О., 2017) Петровська, Катерина ВолодимирівнаУ тезах подано інформацію щодо досвіду впровадження та апробації спецкурсу «Соціально-педагогічна робота з творчими неформальними молодіжними об’єднаннями» для майбутніх соціальних педагогів та працівників.
- ДокументDesign of mechatronic industrial systems(DEL c.z., 2023-10-20) Onyshchenko, SerhiiToday, thanks to the wide application of the results of research on mechatronics in industry, it is possible to define industrial mechatronics as a special direction of development of this field of science. It is devoted to the analysis of problems of connection and organization of interaction of industrial electromechanical, electronic nodes, aggregates and information devices in the process of operation and direct movement of the mechatronic system in order to obtain a synergistic effect.
- ДокументThe Development of an Adjoining Construction through Time(РВВ КДПУ ім. В. Винниченка, 2018) Bohdan, ValeriiIn linguistic literature, despite the importance of resolving of one of the topical issues of modern linguistics ─ the detection of means of joining separate sentences and supra-sentence entities to form larger text units, little attention has been paid so far to the problems of text organization and studying language units participating in its formation. With rare exceptions, the majority of research is carried out synchronically. Nevertheless, a careful diachronic study of language phenomena helps to reveal the nature of many innovative processes in modern languages. Thus, a diachronic approach to studying the structure of an utterance allows to interpret the phenomenon of text units in general and an adjoining construction in particular in an absolutely new way. Many researchers qualified these text units mainly as a syntactic tendency of a language of the late 20th century, i.e. as an exclusively modern phenomenon. The conducted research allows to claim that such a point of view is not justified as the analysis of the English literary texts of the 16th ─ 21st centuries showed that the roots of an adjoining construction go back centuries. However, in different periods of the English language development, the formation and functioning of an adjoining construction was either a more stylistic phenomenon or a syntactic one. Thus, a comparative analysis of the English texts of the 20th ─ 21st centuries and the texts of the 16th ─ 19th centuries showed important differences in the functions fulfilled by an adjoining construction. In the works of fiction of the last two centuries, the adjoining constructions are mostly colloquial in their form and give an expressive colouring to the text. In this case, an adjoining construction can be regarded as a stylistic and syntactic phenomenon, while the adjoining construction s of the previous centuries tended to be the result of purely syntactic transformations of the text by its author.
- ДокументDevelopment of the educational system : European vector(DEL c.z., 2023-09) Онищенко, Сергій Вікторович ; Коробчук, Людмила Іванівна; Кириченко, Тетяна Ярославівна; Кіпень, Володимир Порфирович; Удод, Микола Васильович; Морозов, Олег Вікторович; Костю, Світлана Йосипівна; Чейпеш, Ванесса Михайлівна; Краснов, Олександр Володимирович; Кутасевич, Юлія Вікторівна; Павлик, Олена Анатоліївна; Мельник, Ірина Миколаївна; Семенова, Ірина Вікторівна; Бєлікова, Наталія Олександрівна; Федорчук, Марія Іванівна; Сергєєва, Тетяна Петрівна; Горболіс, Лариса Михайлівна; Лисянська, Вікторія Вадимівна; Скалацька, Катерина СергіївнаThe collection includes materials of the IV International Research and Practical Internet Conference "Development of the Educational System: European Vector". The materials of the collection will be useful for researchers, scientists, graduate students, researchers, teachers, students