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- ДокументA Comprehensive program of activities to develop sustainable core skills in novice scientists(IOP Publishing, 2021) Vlasenko, Kateryna; Lovianova, Iryna; Rovenska, Olga; Chumak, Olena; Achkan, VitaliyThis paper is aimed at studying scientific communication as an integral part of a scientists activity. The authors of this article analysed the development of informational technologies, which gave rise to a new paradigm of scientific communication Research 2.0. In the present study the analysis of research papers, describing models of scientific communication is done. The findings allow to define the structure and content of a comprehensive program of activities, connected to scientific communication in compliance with the Scientific Communication Life Cycle Model. In order to implement the program, aimed at developing core skills through scientific communication of scientists, a target audience, comprising postgraduate students and young researchers in Mathematics and Teaching Methods was engaged.
- ДокументAdvancing Ukrainian education in times of military conflict(Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 2024) Kaplia, Oleksandr; Ribtsun, Yulia; Barbashova, Iryna; Chobaniuk, Mariia; Ptashchenko, OlenaThe deepening of the conflict in Ukraine and the imposition of martial law have had a devastating impact on the country’s social environment as well as its economic infrastructure. The education sector is one of the most war-affected areas in Ukraine, which currently faces new challenges that should be studied in order to explore the existing experience of anti-crisis management of educational institutions and search for ways to optimize the situation. The purpose of the academic paper is to distinguish the features of education in Ukraine in the context of military operations in Ukraine, and to characterize the main aspects that should be taken into account when organizing educational activities during the period of military invasion. In the course of the present research, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, system-structural, comparative, logical and linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were used to study and process data. At the same time, the analytical and bibliographic method was applied to study the scientific literature on developing the educational system during military incursion. By the way, the research authors also conducted a questionnaire in online mode to practically clarify the most significant issues related to the research topic. Based on the research results, the main and most important theoretical characteristics of the educational process during the war were established. Along with this, the viewpoints of scientists and educators on key aspects of the outlined issue were investigated
- ДокументApplication of R Programming Language in Learning Statistics(2020) Pavlenko, Liliia; Pavlenko, Maksym; Khomenko, Vitalii; Mezhuyev, VitaliyThe study examines the problem of teaching statistics to future programmers. The theoretical content of teaching statistics has undergone significant development and requires a change in its focus on the practical field, even while studying at a higher education institution. It is determined that the improvement of teaching statistics to students requires moving from theoretical teaching methods to the practical solution of applied problems and shifting of emphasis from the process of statistical calculations to the analysis and results interpretation. The research allowed establishing that the training of statistics of future programmers should be based on the use of applied system of tasks developed with the help of real data sets obtained as a result of statistical research. Such tasks allow increasing the educational motivation of students in comparison with synthetic examples, which are usually used in the study of statistics. The research has analyzed the software for statistical data analysis as well as identified features of its application in the learning process. It is offered to use a specialized programming language R as the main learning tool.
- ДокументApplication of the project method in the preparation of students of chemical specialties to improve their environmental competence.(IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022-01) Pet'ko, Lyudmila; Lebid, Olha; Lesyk, Anzhelika; Harkusha, Inesa; Kryzhanovskyi, AndriiThe use of a project methodology based on the solution of environmental projects in the training of modern specialists in the field of chemistry makes it possible for them to form ecological thinking. Working on environmental problems helps to realize the importance of solving them for ensuring sustainable development. The project activity of students helps to expand their horizons, and the process of implementing environmental projects provides an opportunity to acquire skills for solving issues related to solving environmental problems. Modern environmental science is a complex of knowledge that combines elements of social, technical, humanitarian and natural disciplines. Modern specialists in the field of chemistry should have the skills of effective actions in solving various environmental problems. The formation of ecological consciousness and the desire for independent cognitive activity in the field of ecology, in our opinion, should be attributed to the priority tasks of the modern educational process. In conditions of intensive use of natural resources in the framework of economic activity, it is necessary to train specialists with environmental competencies to ensure conditions for sustainable development.
- ДокументApplying the group discussion method in vocational educational institutions on the example of computer subjects(Харківський національний університет імені В. Н. Каразіна, 2023) Alieksieieva, Hanna; Ostenda, Aleksander; Shchetynina, Olha; Antonenko, Oleksandr; Ovsyannikov, OleksandrFormulaon of the problem. The arcle considers the problem of applying the group discussion method in vocaonal educaonal instuons on the example of computer subjects. There is a problem of developing students’ crical analysis of the informaon content and inslling the communicaon skills, promong the professional training of students and teachers for the posive and responsible use of informaon and communicaon technology, and services. The purpose of the arcle. To consider the main peculiaries of the applying of group discussion methods in the educaonal process of vocaonal instuons on the example of computer subjects. The main results of the study. The modern learning process is analyzed, which provides for one of the important tasks to significantly expand the forms of learning acvies of students. The characteriscs of teaching methods are given. The theorecal foundaons of the educaonal process are highlighted, which should be constructed as communicaon, interacon, exchange of iniaves of its parcipants. This is the way the educaonal process is organized using group, interacve (interacon-based) teaching methods – discussions, role-playing, and simulaon games. The focus is on the group discussion as the most prevalent method. The main task of the group discussion is revealed: to idenfy the exisng diversity of parcipants’ points of view on any problem and a comprehensive analysis of each of them on the example of computer topics. It has been proved that the organized training and educaon, carried out within the framework of a parcular pedagogical system, has a certain organizaonal design, differing by the quantave coverage of students, the rao of collecve and individual forms of organizaon of students’ acvies, the degree of their self-acvity and the specifics of the educaonal process management by the teacher. The praccal example describes the stages of conducng a discussion lesson, which contributes to the development of basic communicaon skills of students, develops their thinking and speaking, while they master the public speaking skills and evidence-based argument, increases their interest in computer topics. We offer the author’s lesson plan for vocaonal instuons on the topic “Book and computer in the informaon society: pros and cons”. Conclusions. It is concluded that discussion is one of the most difficult types of interacve lessons. Students should not only have an understanding of the main interpretaons of essenal IT problems, but also express their own opinions on various issues. Discussion of these quesons is impossible without gaining experience in dialogue and discussion.
- ДокументThe arrangement of on-line training of master students, majoring in Mathematics for internship in technical universities(IOP Publishing, 2021) Vlasenko, Kateryna; Lovianova, Iryna; Chumak, Olena; Achkan, Vitaliy; Sitak, IrinaThis article looks into the issue of online-training of master students, majoring in Mathematics for internship in technical universities. This study is focused on arranging students' learning activities with the help of an on-line course “Methods for teaching Mathematics to students in technical universities”. The study considers the issues that students face during the internship in technical universities and debates a possibility to factor in the students’ needs while designing the course content.
- ДокументArt Therapeutic Techniques to Provide Psychological Assistance(BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022) Kacherova, Olga; Ivzhenko, Inna; Podol’s’ka, Ganna; Demchenko, Iryna; Dzhyhun, Liudmyla; Lytvynenko, VitalinaThe article considers art-therapeutic means for adults and children during the war. The relevance of the article is to help children and adults to use art therapy to develop vitality, psycho-emotional recovery, adaptation to new social conditions, the formation of emotional and volitional self-regulation of behavior.Objective of the article: to find out the essence of art therapy; to study the consequences of adults and children during wars; consider popular art-therapeutic techniques for the treatment of psychological disorders in victims.Methods: analysis of scientific literature, system analysis.Results: According to research on this issue, art therapies are extremely useful and necessary for the treatment of adults and children affected by war. The consequences of adults and children duringwars have been studied. The advantages of using art therapy are highlighted. In addition, popular art-therapeutic techniques for the treatment of psychological disorders in victims are considered: sand therapy, music therapy, phototherapy, isotherapy, neurography, associative metaphorical maps. It has been found out what pictures are being drawn by the victims of the current war in Ukraine. It is proved that the art therapy combines a number of branches: art history, pedagogy, psychology, psychotherapy.Conclusion: therefore, the use of art therapy techniques improves the emotional state of adults and children: reduces fear and anxiety, anger and depression, and so on
- ДокументAssessment of Aspects of the COVID-19 Crisis in the Context of Ensuring Economic Security(International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 2021-12) Kuznyetsova, Anzhela; Sydorchenko, Tetiana; Zadvorna, Olena; Nikonenko, Uliana; Khalina, OlenaThe purpose of the article is to assess the main aspects of the crisis caused by COVID-19 and the onset of a pandemic in the real sector of the economy in the context of ensuring economic security. The research methodology consisted of the application of methods of the hierarchical ordering of the impacts of the most significant aspects of the crisis caused by COVID-19 and methods of analysis and synthesis for evaluating statistical data. As a result, using the hierarchical ordering method, we identified the key and most influential factors and aspects of the crisis caused by COVID-19 and the onset of the pandemic in the real sector of the economy in the context of ensuring economic security. The study has limitations, which are that the analysis was based on data on Ukraine and its economic activity on the international market. Proposed a methodological approach to streamlining the negative impact of the crisis factors caused by COVID-19 can be used in the relevant government agencies. The novelty, which is presented in the article, has an original value, which consists in the systematization and analysis of data on the real sector of the economy for the period of the pandemic and the corresponding negative factors are highlighted. Also, their orderings were presented through the proposed model.
- ДокументBecoming phenomenon attractions from antiquity to the present(L&L Publishing, 2012) Сердюк, Наталія ІванівнаУ тексті роаналізовано еволюцію феномена аттракції від античності до сучасності, висвітлено його ключові аспекти та вплив на взаємовідносини. Зазначено, що соціальні групи і особистості взаємодіють у всеосяжних відносинах та взаємозумовлені загальним розвитком суспільства. Зазначено, що феномен аттракції ґрунтується на позитивних почуттях, які одна особа відчуває до інших, і важливий для встановлення позитивних відносин. Розглянуто динаміку становлення аттракції від античності до сучасності з акцентом на ключових філософів і трактатів. Проаналізовано концепції дружби від античних мислителів до гуманістів Возродження, висвітлено їхні ідеї та погляди на цей феномен. Зроблено висновок, що дружба і аттракція відіграють ключову роль у взаємодії особистостей і соціальних груп, створюючи підґрунтя для позитивних взаємин. Акцентовано увагу на еволюції уявлень про дружбу від античності до Просвітництва та їх вплив на сучасне розуміння цього явища. Проаналізовано різноманітні аспекти феномена дружби та аттракції відповідно до вказівок високих індивідуалізованих взаємин, висвітлено погляди різних філософів і психологів на це явище. Зазначено, що дружба – це спокійна і тиха благосклонність, керована розумом і закріплена звичкою, що виникає внаслідок тривалого знайомства та взаємних зобов'язань. Розглянуто погляди філософів, таких як П. Гассенді та Ф. Тенбрук, на те, як дружба пов'язана із практичною метою або вигодою. Вказано на період між 1750 і 1850 рр., коли, за висновками Тенбрука, високоіндивідуалізована дружба переживала свій розквіт. Акцентовано увагу на впливі позитивних почуттів, таких як симпатія, благосклонність та дружба, які, за словами А. Маслоу, сприяють глибшому розумінню одне одного та дозволяють бачити людину "під знаком вечності". Зазначено, що в отечественній психології вивчення аттракції ще не досягло значних результатів, але багато психологів, мислителів і філософів мали своє бачення різних рівнів аттракції, таких як дружба і любов. Зроблено висновок, що дружба визначається багатьма чинниками, включаючи потреби особистості, властивості особистості та об'єктивні умови взаємодії. Аттракція розглядається як специфічна взаємодія між "миром реальності" і "миром удовлетворення", що існує на межі цих двох світів. Зроблено висновок, що аттракція є невід'ємною частиною розвитку суспільства, впливаючи на виникнення та розвиток позитивних аспектів взаємин у суспільстві. Аналіз матеріалу підкреслює важливість аттракції на різних етапах розвитку суспільства.
- ДокументBitbucket як рішення для організації командної роботи над іт проектом(Journal «ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education», 2023) Дмитренко, Дмитро; Алєксєєва, Ганна Миколаївна; Хоменко, Світлана ВалеріївнаРозглянуто окремі аспекти процесу професійної підготовки студентів інженерно-педагогічних спеціальностей комп’ютерного профілю, аналізується саме одна із найпоширеніших форм співпраці ІТ фахівців - командна робота над проектом. Протиріччя між типовою системою підготовки майбутнього фахівця та груповим характером його майбутньої діяльності призвели до необхідності розбудови освітньої системи України саме в сфері підготовки ІТ фахівців. Навички самоорганізації і самодисципліни, навички комунікації, навички роботи в команді і співпраця, відповідальність і адаптація, формування нових навичок і методів стають необхідними для майбутніх фахівців комп’ютерного профілю. Досліджено основні засади використання систем управління версіями і здійснено аналіз інструментарію їх реалізації. З цією метою було проведено аналіз найвідоміших унікальних платформ Bitbucket та GitHub, описано їх функціональні можливості, щоб користувач сам для себе вирішує, яку систему обрати; обґрунтовано вибір програмного середовища через переваги та недоліки, що обумовлює організацію ефективної командної роботи над ІТ проектом, де потрібні відповідні уміння здійснювати розробку окремих модулів проекту паралельно з іншими групами учасників. Визначено особливості використання системи управління версіями Bitbucket та GitHub під час реалізації ІТ проектів. Описано процедуру й основні кроки створення робочої версії проекту. Для сучасного професіонала найбільше значення має командна робота в навчанні здобувачів освіти, тому розуміння того, як використовувати технологію системи контролю версій, є обов’язковою частиною професійної підготовки майбутніх ІТ-фахівців. Доведено, що для організації спільної роботи потрібно використовувати певну технологію взаємодії команди розробників програмного проекту засобами систем управління версіями Bitbucket та GitHub.
- ДокументBlack-glazed Pottery of Olbian Suburban estates (excavations of 2003-2017 years)(Eminak, 2021) Papanova, Valentina; Lyashco, SvetlanaThe article reveals black-glazedPottery of Olbian Suburban estates(excavations of 2003-2017 years). Utensils from the estates Shiroka Balka (Broad Hollow) 6 (οικος) and Shiroka Balka (Broad Hollow) 7 (χωριον) are presented in various forms and types: for drinking wine (kantharos, kylix, cup-skyphos), dining (bowls, saltcellar bowls, saucers, plates), cosmetic (askos, lekanis) and lamps date back to the end of the VIth – IVth centuries BC. We would like to note that the complex of black-glazed ceramics from the chorion in composition and duration of existence is slightly different from the findings of homestead (οικος)
- ДокументCLIL Method to Increase Students' Motivationin Studying Mathematics at Higher Technical School(Horizon Research Publishing (HRPUB), 2020) Vlasenko, Kateryna; Chumak, Olena; Sitak, Irina; Kalashnykova, Tetiana; Achkan, VitaliyThe article looks into the problem of improving the level of students’ motivation during the study of Mathematics. This study focuses on the implementation of the С2 model within CLIL-approach while teaching Elementary Mathematics to students of higher technical educational institutions. The research analyzed the influence of teaching methods, modes and resources, which can be used to support teaching of mathematical discipline in English and improve students' motivation. This paper also discusses the requirements and recommendations, complying with which contributed to the positive dynamics in students' motives. There was ground to conclude that the conducted course in Elementary Mathematics on the basis of the CLIL methodology had a positive effect on improving technical students’ motivation in Ukrainian universities.
- ДокументCloud technologies in informational and methodological support of university students’ independent study(Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2020) Khomenko, Vitalii; Pavlenko, Liliia; Pavlenko, Maksym; Khomenko, SvitlanaBased on the analysis of scientific and methodological sources, the article looks at the state of informational and methodological support of students’ independent study. The authors conclude that insufficient attention is being currently paid in Ukraine to the implementation of informational and methodological support of students’ independent study using cloud technologies. It has been determined that independent work as the dominant component of the students’ educational activity in the framework of joining the European educational space requires a new approach to its construction, covering the whole set of innovative aspects. The general problem of education is the reduction of the number of classroom hours and transfer of a significant amount of study material to independent study. Such a situation requires further scientific analysis and the development of specific recommendations in order to improve the independent learning activities. On the basis of the content analysis of scientific articles on the professional training of university students, the directions of improving informational and methodological support of students’ independent study were singled out on the example of the discipline “Modern Information Technologies”. Studies have been conducted among the students regarding their readiness to use the informational and methodological support of independent study and it is determined that it is advisable to use Google cloud services and an educational site with educational materials for independent work. In the article the approaches to introduction of informational and methodological support of students’ independent study are theoretically grounded and a model of informational and methodological support of independent study of university students is developed. Informational and methodological support of students’ independent study is based on the integration of two classifications of independent work (in terms of the type of learning tasks and of educational and cognitive activity) that will be performed in the complex way and will facilitate the formation of university students’ ability to organize and plan and the ability to work independently. For the discipline “Modern Information Technologies” an Internet resource is developed in the form of a site that contains the necessary information for performing independent work. Separately, an electronic calendar for the organization of independent student learning was developed. The integration of calendar elements into the educational site has been carried out in order to ensure the functioning of the informational and methodological support of students’ independent study. The methodological principles of informational and methodological support of students’ independent study were developed, namely the use of cloud service Google Calendar in the course “Modern Information Technologies”.
- ДокументComparative analysis of the emotional intelligence development of adolescents with different levels of psychological competence(Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 2019) Frolova, Olga; Kashkaryova, Lyudmila; Serbova, Olga; Malykhina, TatianaWithin the proposed article, the focus is on the development of the emotional intelligence of adolescents and the impact of their psychological competence on them. The authors state that the developed emotional intelligence provides a person with a good understanding and managing of his/her emotions and a compassionate attitude and flexible response to the emotional manifestations of people nearby. People with high emotional intelligence have developed self-awareness, self-control, social understanding and are able to manage relationships with other people. Generalization of the most famous scientific approaches to the study of emotional intelligence allowed to dwell on the model of emotional intelligence which in content and structure represents a set of such abilities: perception and identification of emotions; managing emotions and feelings, both of oneself and of others; understanding of emotions; facilitation of thinking. Human emotional intelligence is formed during his/her life. Adolescence is the most sensitive to the development of emotional intelligence, because it is at this age period that intellectualization of all mental processes occurs, when "emotions can become intelligent" and "intelligence can become emotional" due to the coordinated interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Emotionality plays an important role in the development of emotional intelligence. In adolescence, on the one hand, there is a complication and instability of the emotional sphere of personality, intensification of emotions and feelings, their intensity and diversity; and, on the other hand, the ability to self-regulate, the ability to slow them down with the help of willpower, are emerging and developing. This enables the teenager to consciously construct his / her self-concept, his / her own value system, personal outlook and develop his / her emotional intelligence. These data were confirmed by the experimental study, which was carried out by comparing two groups of adolescents: the Lyceum students – a close-knit student group and members of the circle of "Psychological Studies", who were able to increase the level of psychological competence through self-discovery and development of emotional sphere. The adolescents – members of the circle showed higher rates of most components’ development of emotional intelligence than the adolescents – students of Berdiansk Lyceum, who hadn’t had this training. Thus, we are convinced that the emotional intelligence of adolescents can be developed under the condition of purposeful psycho-corrective influence, with the use of interactive methods.
- ДокументComparative Analysis of the Emotional Intelligence Development of Adolescents with Different Levels of Psychological Competence(Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 2019) Frolova, Olga; Kashkaryova, Lyudmila; Serbova, Olga; Malykhina, TatianaWithin the proposed article, the focus is on the development of the emotional intelligence of adolescents and the impact of their psychological competence on them. The authors state that the developed emotional intelligence provides a person with a good understanding and managing of his/her emotions and a compassionate attitude and flexible response to the emotional manifestations of people nearby. People with high emotional intelligence have developed self-awareness, self-control, social understanding and are able to manage relationships with other people. Generalization of the most famous scientific approaches to the study of emotional intelligence allowed to dwell on the model of emotional intelligence which in content and structure represents a set of such abilities: perception and identification of emotions; managing emotions and feelings, both of oneself and of others; understanding of emotions; facilitation of thinking. Human emotional intelligence is formed during his/her life. Adolescence is the most sensitive to the development of emotional intelligence, because it is at this age period that intellectualization of all mental processes occurs, when "emotions can become intelligent" and "intelligence can become emotional" due to the coordinated interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Emotionality plays an important role in the development of emotional intelligence. In adolescence, on the one hand, there is a complication and instability of the emotional sphere of personality, intensification of emotions and feelings, their intensity and diversity; and, on the other hand, the ability to self-regulate, the ability to slow them down with the help of willpower, are emerging and developing. This enables the teenager to consciously construct his / her self-concept, his / her own value system, personal outlook and develop his / her emotional intelligence. These data were confirmed by the experimental study, which was carried out by comparing two groups of adolescents: the Lyceum students – a close-knit student group and members of the circle of "Psychological Studies", who were able to increase the level of psychological competence through self-discovery and development of emotional sphere. The adolescents – members of the circle showed higher rates of most components’ development of emotional intelligence than the adolescents – students of Berdiansk Lyceum, who hadn’t had this training. Thus, we are convinced that the emotional intelligence of adolescents can be developed under the condition of purposeful psycho-corrective influence, with the use of interactive methods.
- ДокументComplex Abilities of Communicators and Specificity of Their Formation(Journal of History Culture and Art Research, 2019) Burnazova, Vira; Yunyk, Dmytro; Yunyk, Ivan; Yunyk, Tetiana; Kotova, LinaThe complex abilities of communicators as non-innate, but the acquired universal system of psychophysical actions are regarded; they are aimed at creating a generalized image of the imaginary model of communicating information for recipients, not from relatively independent constructs, but from their united groups, as well as its implementation through the block utilization of communication skills. The psychological structure of these abilities, which consists of motivational-volitional, operational-procedural and content-reflexive components, is revealed. It is proved that the formation of complex communicator abilities requires the purposeful development of each of their components in the process of preparation for professional activities. Improvement of the motivational-volitional component of the indicated abilities is the activation of the desired types of motives, their awareness and regulation of the intensity of the existing emotions (preservation, amplification or relaxation). The prospect of improving the operational and procedural component of complex communicator abilities is traced by the achievement of the dominance of procedural motivation, which increases the efficiency of the implementation of not only thoughtful operations, but also the implementation of imaginary images through the block application of their constructs and communicative skills. The improvement of their content-reflexive component is carried out by the use of productive means of control of the process of preserving the expressiveness of differentiated constructs with the intermediate fixation of the imaginary created model of conveying information to recipients and the process of conscious and adequate assessment of the intermediate effectiveness of its communicative realization, which ensures that the right decisions are made.
- ДокументConceptual approaches to the organization of speech therapy support for early age children with cerebral palsy in modern educational conditions in Ukraine.(The University of Technology in Katowice Press, 2023) Konoplyasta, Svitlana; Synytsya, AlinaУ статті доведено необхідність логопедичного супроводу дітей раннього віку, керуючись дослідженнями останніх років щодо мовленнєвої готовності дітей дошкільного віку до навчання у школі та результатами констатувального експерименту. Проаналізовано не лише сучасний стан надання медико-психолого-педагогічної допомоги дітям раннього віку з церебральним паралічем, але й актуальний стан саме логопедичного супроводу цих дітей та їх родин в Україні. Перш за все, виокремлено логопедичний супровід як самостійний напрям загальної педагогічної допомоги, оскільки він має автономні мету, завдання, напрями та відповідний зміст. Вдалося розкрити базові структурні компоненти логопедичного супроводу, визначити у дослідженні діагностичні показники та відповідно актуальний стан логопедичного супроводу дітей раннього віку з церебральним паралічем та родини у тріаді логопед-дитина-родина.
- ДокументContemporary Practice of Natural Science Training in Higher Education Institutions in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic: Neurobiological Aspects of Psychology(BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022-12) Pshenychna, Natalia; Bilyk, Valentyna; Honcharuk, Vitalii; Rozhi, Inna; Vasylenko, KaterynaThe article examines the program principles and subject content of natural science training of future psychologists in Central Europe (Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic). The choice of these countries for the study is due to the fact that despite short period of membership in the European Union, the countries achieved a significant progress in developing national education systems. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends in natural science training of future psychologists and their correlation with the latest ideas of neurobiology, which is gradually becoming complementary to psychological, pedagogical and other humanities. Using methods of analysis (content analysis of educational programs; analysis of educational content for accordance with the latest advances in neurobiology), comparative method, statistical methods and extrapolation method, it was found that natural science training in universities in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic partially corresponds to practical application of neurobiology in the professional practice of psychologists. We present specific aspects of qualitative differences in the conclusions. We also calculated that the quantitative ratio of major subjects differs: the volume of credits for natural science training of future psychologists in the curricula of the analysed higher education institutions in Poland is about 6%, in the Czech Republic - 9-10%, and in Hungary - 11-12%.Theinternational significance of the article lies in identification of positive practical and formal approaches to neurobiological training, which requires organizational and methodological reforms of psychological education in Eastern Europe.
- ДокументCorporate liability and white-collar crime: Comparative review(Cuestiones Políticas, 2023) Tarasiuk, Anatolii; Prokofieva-Yanchylenko, Daria; Lutsenko, Yuriy; Danylevskyi, Andrii; Makarenko, TamaraThe aim of the research was to analyze academic approaches to understanding the legal nature of white-collar crime and what crimes it includes; based on this understanding, the model of corporate criminal liability was investigated to place it in various law enforcement contexts. Throughout the article, appropriate research methods have been used, such as: comparative law method, systemic-structural method, formal-legal method. Basedon the results of the detailed comparative analysis, it has been established that there are no unified standards or models for both white-collar crime and corporate criminal liability. Furthermore, it has been argued that theconcept of fraud (deception) constitutes the key element of white-collar crime and is also the foundation of most corporate crimes. In the conclusions, it is argued that corporate criminal liability in the United States, and to a lesser extent in some European countries (including Ukraine), is a powerful law enforcement tool capable of protecting society from massive crimes as well as deterring corporations from unlawful deviations.
- Документ“Defense of Ukraine” degree program for future school teachers: a new element of ukrainian higher education(Revista Eduweb, 2024) Myroshnychenko, Volodymyr; Kamensky, Dmitriy; Lysenko, Tetyana; Makarenko, Tamara; Petiahina, IrynaThe article examines various aspects of professional training of future teachers of the “Defense of Ukraine” course for effective legal education among students. The key aspects in this process are the formation of practical skills, legal culture, socio-psychological and methodological readiness of teachers. Emphasis is placed on the use of modern technologies and interactive methods in pedagogical universities to develop egal thinking and patriotic values. Several theoretical methods have been used in the course of research. In particular, the article extensivеly refers to empirical research methods, such as observation, comparison, and monitoring. Modern challenges in the field of national security of Ukraine require active participation of teachers in the formation of legal awareness of students. It is emphasised that successful teacher training requires not only knowledge of law, but also taking into account of individual characteristics and application of innovative pedagogical approaches. In general, the article points out the importance of providing teachers with the necessary competencies to educate Ukrainian citizens who consciously observe their duties and execrise their rights (freedoms).